Sukor - Love Happens

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Recap: Vivaan is behind the bars but Ranjana Mohanlal came with the commissioner. Chakor is hospitalised n her friends Adi n Riya r waiting for her. Suraj has a full statement from the bartender.

Commissioner: Mr. Suraj may I have a word with u. Suraj nodded n they went to Suraj office n closed the door.

Suraj: Sir I don't release him.

Commissioner: I wasn't expecting u to do. But do u have evidences against him? Did he consume Drugs? Does he gave any1 drugs?

Suraj: Yes.

The commissioner was surprise. n what he asked. Suraj told him abt the statement abt Chakor he is waiting for the doctors call when she will gain her consciousness he will be informed n no1 else has the right to talk to her before him.

Commissioner: we need a full statement n it's better for u if she can give u waterproof evidence against Vivaan Mohanlal don't forget whom son he is. Suraj was thinking *Yeah sir. Sorry that u don't know who I am* (No1 knows abt his Parents n his wealth)

Commissioner: ok. I go n consult Mrs. Mohanlal I sure he will be out of bail soon. Suraj was abt to say but his phone rung he picked up

Phone Conversation:

Suraj: Hello ACP Suraj.

Hello it's the doctor I'm calling bcz of Mrs. Laal she awake n u can talk to her.

Suraj: I will be their in 20 min don't let any1 go in. Understand!.

Doctor: Yes. Ur constables r still here so don't worry.

Suraj : good. bye.

Con. end

Suraj: Sir I…

Commissioner: I heard it go.

Suraj saluted him n left but he saw Vivaan with an angry face *tujhe to main saaza delake rahonga/I will get u punish for sure*

Hospital (my promised Sukor scene)

Suraj arrived n directly went to Chakors room but he saw her friends still waiting Riya was sleeping on Adi’s shoulder n Adi was awake he saw Suraj n wanted to get up but Suraj made him clear there is no need. He goes to Adi: After I have the statement u can meet her. Adi nodded n said: hmm Sir

Suraj stopped: yeah. Adi: I need to talk to u. Suraj: now? He was moving back to him but Adi: No after u got Chakors statement. He nodded n entered the room he signals the constables to wait outside the room.

Sukor meet again:

Suraj went carefully toward Chakor who was crying n not able to understand what happened to her as no1 was allowed to speak with her seeing Suraj made her feel relieved but also scared *what happened*

Suraj was looking at her innocent she was holding the blanket with her hands on each side he comes n sits on bed with her permission he wasn't sure but he put his hand over here n asked her: How r u feeling know? very soft n calm voice to make her comfortable. Chakor put all her strength together n hugged him tightly he was the first person after her awake she knew n started crying even louder he tried to consult her n was caress her back. Chakor was feeling better he gave her the time she needed n she said: now I'm better thx. Suraj  nodded n asked: do u remember what happened? she shook her head. Suraj: What is the last thing u remember? Chakor tried to remember but she had mental blackout. He called the doctor n asked if there is a possibility to gain the memory back n the doctor said with time or never. Chakor was very scared he took Suraj hand n asked: What happened to me… I.. I..mean. Suraj stopped her n said: No. Nothing happened we were on time. Chakor was relieved. The doctor left. Chakor: I'm so sorry. Suraj: What? y? Chakor it all happened bcz of me. Suraj: u r a victim n not  responsible for what happen. Listen I have to leave now but there r some waiting for u Chakor: Vivaan??? Suraj got angry: No. Chakor was surprised: y?

The commissioner n Ranjana entered the room. Suraj looked at them. The commissioner signal him I had no choice. Ranjana's lawyer was also present n the doctor of Chakor. They were questioning her n blaming her for her careless behaviour n Suraj couldn't do anything. In the end Ranjana said: She can't remember anything I want my son out of jail now. Suraj hit the wall with his fist he wasn't ready n said: I still have a statement of the bartender who told me that ur son has asked for a cold drink with some extra. The lawyer how should my client know what the extra could be. it could be anything my client could meant with extra love/care who knows… More anger on Suraj face he said even if u get him out on bail or this case he will do a mistake again n then no1 will or can save him. Ranjana: Commissioner ur ACP is treating me n my son in ur present I want u to give him a punishment. Even the commissioner got angry on Suraj. We will talk later but let's get to jail ur son is waiting n they left.

Chakor was shocked: Vivaan did this to me?

Suraj: yes I'm sorry I can't give u justice. Chakor hugged him n said: u saved my life

Suraj: yeah. But he is out. The statement of the bartender is worth nothing. Chakor: Suraj they questioned my character n said I'm responsible for this: Suraj face changed from anger to care n said: No. never think of this.  u r not responsible. N I know u are lazy n a messy but not characterless. Chakor I have to leave now but like i said there r some who wants to meet u. Chakor: I don't want please stay. what will my parents think abt me they trusted me so much n I failed. Suraj: Hey parents always forgive it takes time but they do. n u haven't done anything wrong so don't worry. She hugged him again n he left.

Riya n Adi were waiting.

Suraj: she is still in shock please make her clear she is not responsible they nodded n Riya went inside n hugged her.

Adi: Sir. Suraj stopped. right u wanted to talk to me. Adi: Chakor is my dearest friend I love her alot please tell me u have something against this Vivaan. Suraj made a sad face: I'm sorry Chakor isn't remembering n the statement of bartender is worthless. Adi: Oh no. so he goes again free making a crime. Suraj wait what. He did this previously? Adi: told him abt his life in college time he attended n was with a girl named Imli she was very innocent, shy n beautiful on a late party Adi left early coz he had exams on the next day n unfortunately it was the last night he saw his Imli happy n alive. She accused Vivaan for raping her making her drink n using the opportunity of advantage he is a rich boy n she a middle class 1 week later of the incident she committed suicide. He gave Suraj a file. That is all I could found I searched the whole time when I saw Vivaan in Chakors group I had my doubt but I wasn't sure if it is the same coz Imli never mentioned his full name but know I'm sure he is the same guy who ruined the life of imli n me. Suraj: I'm  sorry for ur lost n I will try/ do my best to get him punished. Suraj took the file n was leaving but Adi had to say something: Sir. I told her she should say yes to u. But she is a little stubborn please forgive her n give her another chance. Suraj heard it but without turning back he left with a smile on his face

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