Sukor - Love Happens

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Hi welcome back to my ff love happens I won't do long. Here my update.

Recap: Adi n Suraj found witness who lied in the case of Imli. Chakor cooked for Suraj but burned the food she try again with the help of Paakhi. Unfortunately Chakor has been abducted by an unknown person Paakhi took a pic of him. Suraj send Adi n Paakhi away to his parents.

Suraj was all alone this stillness was unbearable the fact that Chakor is abducted is making him crazy he wants to know where she is how he can find her. He is thankful to Paakhi who was so brave n took a pic of the kudnapper. But he can't do anything. Suraj - Chakor I will find u at any cost -.

Its middle of the night n Chakor doesn't know where she is she just gain her consciousness. She tried to scream n call for help but her mouth was tied up. She tried to stood up but it was pointless she was tied with a rope. She was scared to death the only thing which was left she could do was crying n she did. Her thoughts were going through her mind  - Where am I? What I have dont?  What happen to Paakhi is she fine? What will happen to me?  Who is my abductor? -  she cried noiseless with her thoughts she was with HIM
Suraj - I'm sorry Suraj the last talk we had was a stupid fight I don't know y I let u wait for ur answer. Yes of course I want to become ur wife but now I don't have any hope to tell u abt my feelings. I'm so sorry....-

Suraj was cleaning the house to get some time not to think abt Chakor he was going crazy knowing her in danger he knows to find some1 who has been abducted the first 24 - 48 hours r important but after that it's kind of impossible bcz the abductor could kill the person or vanish n sell the abductee. He knows the best thing is to let the police work but he is the police y shouldn't he help
A inner fight.
- bcz it's personal Suraj u can't work on this case u don't think like a police man u think as a lover -
# No I can keep my personal n professional life seperatly #
- No u can n u knows that well if so.e1 harms her u would kill that person -
# I would kill any1 who harms innocent n helpless children or woman it's my humanity my strenght not my weakness I will search for her n I will find her that's it!#

Suraj went to his study he looked for the video he made with goon Bhalla he recorded the interview but also the house where Bhalla lived - maybe I will find a clue? - Suraj uploaded the video on his laptop it was abt 1 am in the morning n his phone rings - the abductor? - Suraj was very angry he picked up the phone with a confidence n anger in his voice Hello Suraj Rajvanshi;
...Hello Suraj...
Suraj; line kharab hai try again
Suraj; hello?
...Hello Suraj bhai u hear me now?.
Suraj; Paakhi 😊
Paakh;i Haan, we just arrived I told them everything.
...Hello Suraj..
Suraj; Mummy
Teju; Suraj u have to find her I don't care abt ur rules she is the DIL of this house n she should return safely I warn u do ur work.
Paakhi; uff aunty let me talk
Paakhi; Bhai I thought again n he was there only for her he asked her once if some1 else is here too n she denied but if he was looking after more like money or anything then he failed totally.
Suraj; Paakhi u r sure he didn't search the apartment?
Paakhi; yes otherwise I would be kidnapped too.
Suraj; don't say that.
Paakhi; sorry bhai...
Teju; Suraj don't waste time go n look for her n ... eat something
Suraj; I'm just checking my evidences I have collected so far. Mummy I'm not hungry I don't know at which condition she is it drives me crazy.
Teju; I'm sure she would be happy to know how u liked the food.
Suraj; Mummy what do mean.
Paakhi; Bhai gud n8.
Suraj; gud n8. but mom... pipipipi.
- they hung up -

Chakor was depressed to confess her feelings to Suraj she remembers the 1st meet. - Suraj u were nice but strict. U oversaw my chaos. U drink the chai with salt yeah I know it was salt we found out later 😊. U saved my life in the club u were there u gave me support when I needed it n my family rejected me. U convince them u ask for my hand even after I rejected u I did a big mistake choosing Vivaan he threatens me n u cane to rescue u me again u spend the night in the hospital n slept on the ground holding my hand I never left me alone u let me stay at ur place gave me clothes n a bed to sleep food to eat n I what I have u only tension n sorrow. I don't deserve u -. too now all those memories were hurting her the pain was unbearable.

Suraj watched the video severely  times but couldn't found a clue. - how they know were I live n Chakor how they know she is staying here I didn't told it any1 besides... Adi, Mom n her parents - But y would one of the tell this to any1 oh no... I think Adi was stake out from a person who works for Mohanlal. Shit. I need to inform him he needs to be very carefully now.

Chakor fall asleep but it was just for a short period she woke up by a noise. Some1 was trying to call for her.
...Hello... please talk to me...
Chakor was shocked - who is this - She coukdnt say a word a mouth was still tied - what to do now can I release my mouth? -. She tried to bite on the cloth she don't know how long it took but the other person stopped talking as she wasn't getting an answer from Chakor but she was sure to get off of the cloth n finally she archived it. Chakor couldn't talk first she had to find her voice...
Chakor; ... cough... He.. Hello
Chakor; Wh...who r u? with a scared voice she asked with the hope to find...
Imli; my name is Imli
Chakor; Imli.... Adi's...
😥😊 a weird happiness came on Chakor.
Imli; Adi she said louder...u know Adi?
Chakor; was nodding but she was alone she said Haan I know him... He is my bf best friend. He n Suraj r looking for u!
Imli; how? I mean they told me. They faked my death. With a suicide note.
Chakor; yes they did n succeeded in but Suraj is no1 else than ACP Suraj Rajvanshi n he always finds the truth.
Imli; but how will they find us? I mean I have been hear for months.
Chakor was thinking what to say...
Chakor;... Imli don't worry they harmed u till date u r still alive I know we r captive but I trust Adi n Suraj they will find us they won't stopp searching for us.
Imli;... Thank u.
Chakor;... Thank u... but for what
Imli; giving me hope.


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