5- The Tale

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I heard the alarm clock beep and rolled over to stop it, too my surprise the usual body next to me wasn't there. I shuffled over and stopped the alarm clock.

I got up and quickly dressed, I could hear voices downstairs. Spike and Giles must be eating breakfast together. I raced down to see them and was shocked to see Willow and Tara at the table eating with them.

'Oh my gosh!' I yelled running over to hug them 'it's been so long'

They both hugged me back and told me the detailed story of how they arrived at our house early in the morning.

'So it wasn't pranksters' Spike said to me

'Ha ha you were right' I laughed poking him in the side

'Feels good to hear that' he smirked.

'We've been telling Giles and Spike about Rome, well Spikes been hearing about it since 5 AM' Willow smiled

'You didn't come back to bed?' I asked him

'No I was wide awake' he replied

Willow and Tara proceeded to tell me about Rome, while Spike made more waffles.

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