28- Magic Mayhem

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We followed Giles, Tara and Willow back to Giles' house where the two girls had been staying while they all tried to settle back into Sunnydale. The spell for putting Jessica's soul back into her body was all set up and ready to go when we arrived. Buffy and I sat down while the three of them rushed around gathering a few more things that they needed in order to complete the spell.

'We should have gone with this plan first' I told Buffy

'No, you did what you thought was right, you wanted to help her, I'm so proud of you' she smiled dreamily at me

'I just wanted to prove that I'm not a monster' I told her finally confronting my fear 'I worry what you all think of me'

'Spike none of us think that' she replied with a worried expression 'I know you're a good person'

'I'm not a person though am I love?'

'You know exactly what I mean' Buffy told me 'and I love you'

'I love you too'

'Okay guys we're ready' Willow told us

'We need you guys to walk around with this incense' Tara explained holding out two sticks of incense for Buffy and I.

We took the sticks and I pulled out my lighter and lit them both, smoke began to gush from the top and Buffy and I slowly began to wave them around the room. Willow, Tara and Giles began the spell, while Buffy and I had no clue about what they were saying. After a about seven minutes of intense chanting, orbs glowing and sand circles moving, they all stopped, so Buffy and I stopped as well.

'It's done' Willow told us 'go find her'

'Okay' Buffy replied

'Wait!' Willow shouted 'I have another crazy idea'

'You know what, just do it' Buffy called back already holding my hand and dragging me out the door.

'What if her idea really was crazy?' I asked her half way to Jessica's hotel

'I'm sure it was fine' Buffy tried to assure me 'I mean it's Willow how bad could it be?'

'Ah I don't know'

We reached Jessica's hotel room to find her curled up against a corner.

'Jessica, hey, it's Buffy' Buffy said slowly approaching her; I hanged back near the door not wanting to crowd her.

'What's wrong with me?' she asked quietly

'You've had your soul returned to your body' Buffy explained softly

'I tried to hurt you, I did hurt people' she sobbed

'It's okay' Buffy replied bending down in front of her 'I'm here to help you'

'How?' she asked

'I've dealt with this before'

My body stiffened, as much as I love Buffy it seemed Angel was always popping up, I didn't mean to sound like the jealous boyfriend but I so clearly was. Even when Angel was off being Angelus he still seemed to come into every conversation.

'Please come with us?' Buffy offered

'Okay' Jessica agreed grabbing Buffy's hand that she had offered. 

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