Chapter 3: A Place To Stay

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BTS - Claustrophobic...and running

Chapter 3: A Place To Stay

I'm really sorry for not updating guys^^ especially to those who commented and gave me motivation :*



Jin's P.O.V:

Suga and Jimin both helped Meena up the stairs. She would be sleeping in our room since there were two bunk beds and there was a space free.

"Aish. She's sweating." Jimin complained. Suga smacked the back of his head and told him to shut up and hurry up.

They dropped her on a spare bed and straightened out her legs and arms. Suga reached out and dried her face again.

"We need to get her out of those clothes." I muttered. Jimin's eyes turned wide, he let out a choked cough and stared at me.

"Yah! What are you thinking right now?" I smacked his head like Suga had before.

"Hyung~! Mianhe," He pouted.

I sighed, "Just go and ask someone for some spare clothing that she can wear."

He walked off out of the room and yelled, "Veeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

I turned back to Meena and gently shook her awake.

"Meena-ssi. Meena! You need to get up." She stirred a little, a frown on her face. She shook my hand off her.

"Leave me alone... I don't... I don't want..." She started shivering and shaking. She suddenly shot up and banged her head against mine.

"OW!" I held a hand to my head, rubbing it.

"Oh! huh, sorry! I-I'm s-so sorry!" She breathed out.

"I-It's fine." I told her. I pulled her hair away from her face and patted her shoulder. She flinched a little then called down. I looked worriedly down at her. I wonder what that was about.

She frowned up at me then looked around, her frown deepening.

"Our dorm," I answered her unasked question. Her mouth made a 'O' shape in acknowledgment.

She moved so that her legs dangled off the bed, wincing with the effort. Her hand went to cover her side but then she stopped when she noticed me watching. My eyes flickered to where she was going to touch before looking at her face again.

"Jimin has gone to get you a change of clothes. You will have to borrow someone's. And then I want you to show me where you are hurt." And maybe tell us what happened, I finished off in my head.

"Got them!" Jimin came running back into the room with a bundle of clothing in his hands. I caught them when he threw them at me.

"Here," I handed them to her and showed her to the bathroom. "Take your time."

She nodded her head and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I sighed deeply then returned it my bed and sat down. Should we let her stay with us? She looked like she needed help and we can't just ignore what we witnessed. We had to do something to help.

While I was sat there thinking about everything, I heard sobs from behind the bathroom door.

"Hyung..." V came and stood in the doorway listening to her sobs. "Will she be ok? C-Can we help her?"

I watched his face for a moment. "Molla, maybe we can. If she will speak to us and tell us the problem."

"Can we ask her, then?"

"We'll see."

Meena's P.O.V:

I couldn't control myself as I stood under the hot water of the shower. I started crying. It hurt so much. here was so much pain and on top of that I was freaking out that I would be found by him. All that I felt for him now was hate. Pure and total hate. Just the thought of him made my blood boil and my stomach burn.

I looked down at my stomach and more tears came out. He had kicked me continuously when he found out. I could see all the bruises and cuts that has gathered up on my body. Most of them from being abused. The others.. they were my anger. I started hating my life and the people who used me for their own benefits.

I climbed out of the shower and dried off before changing into the clothes that I had been provided with. I stood up infront of the mirror. The clothes were a little loose but they were comfortable enough so I didn't mind. I had stopped sweating and I felt so much better now that I was clean and safe for the time being.

I wonder what the boys thought of me? Why did they help me? I was just a runaway from the people that made my life a living hell. There were many times that I had thought ending my life... but I had never had the courage to do it. Something held me back. That tiny little hope that my life will become better in the future.

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom to see Jin, V, Jimin and Suga all in the room.

V smiled widely up at me from one of the beds. "I see they fit you well. You can keep them till you get your own back." He told me, referring to the clothes. I blushed a little,

"Thanks... but you guys don't have to do this. I-It's too dangerous."

My mind started running wild, thinking about how these boys' lives would be at risk if I ever got caught bing with them. I couldn't let anyone be I'm danger just because of me. Ny breathing started coming out in gasps again. Jin and Suga got up and made me sit down on the spare bed.

"Why is it dangerous?" A new voice came from the doorway. J-Hope? I think that was his name. He was the one who caught me when I fell in the elevator.

"Yeah, why?" Jimin asked from the top bunk. The other members had also gathered behind J-Hope and were all entering the room, looking curious as to what I was going to say.

I looked around at them, not knowing what to do. I didn't really want to talk about it but these boys looked like they were willing to let me sleep here. Which is what I needed right now: A place to stay. But what was putting them into danger. And it didn't seem like they would let me leave by myself at a time like this. The least I could do was explain to them. They had a right since they were helping me.

"I-is it to do with that guy who was shouting to go find a girl?" A quiet voice asked. I looked at who had spoke. He had red hair... he looked around a year younger than me.

"O-oh... yes, I-it is... Mostly." I made up my mind and decided to explain to them the story of my life for the past couple of years. Only some of it of course. There were parts that I did not

With to share.

"His name is K--kang M-Min Suk..." I started off. Then I hesitated a little before saying the next part. "A-Abd he's my f-fiancé."

All seven pairs of eyes turned to stare at me in shock.


Tell me what you guys think please! ^^ don't be silent readers :'( Feel free to point out mistakes or any improvements that you would like me to make. Don't be too offensive though ^^ I'm human too :*

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SabzXOreos. Previously Sabahxx

<3 xx

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