Chapter 48

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Perrie's pov

- 1 Week later -

"What kind do you think you'd want it to look like?" Michael asked gently rubbing his thumb onto the palm of my hand since we're sitting at a booth in the mall and he's playing with my fingers.

"I want something that's really us you know.. something like our rings now." I look down at both of our rings smiling a bit at the memory.

"Princess and Prince rings?" Michael smiles a bit.

"Do they even have those?"

"Yeah, or else I will have someone make them because this is really fucking important to me."

I laughed at that a little bit.

"That's wont be necessary, We'll get regular rings if they dont have them."

"Only the best for my princess." He says

I blushed deeply feeling my face get hot from all his pet names and sweet gestures.

"Come on let's go see if they have them." I said getting up and pulling him with me as we get to the ring store.

The woman at the counter smiles "Hello how may I help you today?"

"We're looking for engagement rings that somewjat look like this." I say showing her my ring along with Michael showing his.

She smiles "I've got just the things." She starts opening the case of rings down by the side and pulls out a couple rings that look like ours.

"They're beautiful."

"Which ones do you want Perrie?" Michael asked wrapping his arm around my waist in a comforting way.

I looked at the all gold ones and I didn't like it because I wanted a specific color in the rings. The all silver ones just didn't look right and some of them just had really big diamonds and I didn't want that.

"Wait, those."

The woman pulled out theses very specific small crowns that had small diamonds as the design along with great shaping of the crowns themselves. They were silver and gold just like our crowns on our fingers and it just looked perfect.

"Those are the ones."

She smiles and puts every other ring back and leaves the ones I wanted out. "These are new ones, they just came in and looks like you're gonna be the first to want them."

"They're perfect Michael."

"I know.. anything for you Perrie." He smile brightly

"If im not mistaken you guys are celebrities right?" The woman says and I look at her name tag and it say Tessa.

"Yes we are."

"Well I wish you guys nothing but happiness for the future." She smiles

"Thank you."

"No problem now, since both of these are new they have pretty high princes." Tessa says

"Our budget is $200,000 atleast." Michael says

"Well you're in luck, for both it only cost $80,000."  Tessa says

"That's perfect!"

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