Chapter 4: The Dragon's Return

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(Y/N)'s POV:

???: "No . . ." I heard a familiar voice call out from behind me. I broke away from Cynthia and turned to find a teary Emilia.

(Y/N): "Wait, Emilia. I can explain."

Emilia: "What is there to explain! The boy I like kissing someone else."

Cynthia: "Emilia, it isn't his-"

Emilia: "Shut up! I don't want to hear it from you!" I took a step forward, but she backed away from me.

???: "Don't you see. You truly are alone." Then it was as if time stopped around us when this deep voice spoke.

(Y/N): "Emilia don't listen to this voice." But it was as if she couldn't hear me. She was completely enthralled by it.

???: "There is nothing left for you in this world. How about we create a new one, a world with no lies and only truth?" Then a white orb took shape in front of her, tempting her to take a hold of it. She began to reach out towards it, but I ran to her.

(Y/N): "Emilia!! Don't!" But it was too late. She touched and then a fiery vortex swirled around her, blowing me away.

Cynthia: "(Y/N)!" She managed to catch me, but we were both pushed to the ground. We stared at the fiery tornado in front of us, but then it flared up. A roar rang out through out the town, catching everyone's attention. From the fires rose a giant white dragon.

 From the fires rose a giant white dragon

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Wait I recognized it. It could only be Reshiram from the stories that we were told as children. However I looked over to where Emilia had been standing, but she was nowhere to be seen. It glared down at Cynthia and prepared to fire a blast. However, I stood in the way. 

(Y/N): "Legendary pokemon or not. I won't let you do as you please. Empoleon, let's go." I summoned Empoleon to my aid, and it fired an beam of ice to counter the blast. Reshiram almost looked shocked at what I had done. It took a look at me, and it saw the glare I gave as I stared it down. I could've sworn it looked sad when it looked at me, but I did not give way. It turned away from me towards Nuvema Town, but before it did, I saw a tear fall from its eye.

(Y/N): "Emilia?" It hesitated at that moment.

(Y/N): "Emilia!" It the blasted towards the town.

(Y/N): "Dammit! She's going towards the town. Cynthia, I need you to get to Professor Juniper. Evacuate the town. I'll have Empoleon escort you."

Cynthia: "What are you going to do?"

(Y/N): "I'm going to save Emilia." Cynthia looked down and began to tear up.

Cynthia: "I-I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have-" But then I pulled her into a hug.

(Y/N): "None of this is your fault. You only followed your heart. I just failed to see Em . . . I failed to see both of your feelings. It's time I confront her's though." I summoned Charizard to me.

(Y/N): "Come on buddy. It's time to save our friend." I say as I get on his back. He gave a triumphant roar blasted off towards Reshiram. Cynthia stood there with Empoleon, watching her love head straight into danger.

Cynthia: "Please . . . stay safe."


I finally reached Emilia, as she gazed down at the town. If this erupts into a battle, I can't have the town caught in the middle of it.

(Y/N): "Charizard, use giga impact. Push it as far away from the town as possible." Charizard and I became enveloped in a bright aura as he slammed into Emilia pushing her away from the town. Once we reached a good enough distance, Charizard backed off, and the Emilia let out a terrible roar as it glared us down.

(Y/N): "Emilia. Whatever you're seeing is not real. That stone is messing with your mind. You've got to fight it, Emilia!" But instead she gave out a roar and began to bear down at us. Charizard danced around in the sky dodging the attacks as we gave her some of our own. However, this clearly was not working. 

(Y/N): "Alright, get me in as close as you can. I'll handle it from here." However Charizard looked at me as if I had gone insane.

(Y/N): "Just trust me." He flew in closer dodging blasts from Emilia. Once I was close enough, I leaped out and grabbed a hold of her neck. When she felt this, she flailed around wildly, trying to  get me off, but I would not stop.

(Y/N): "Fight it, Emilia! You're stronger than this!" I suddenly saw I was standing in a white space.

(Y/N): "Hello?"

???: "Your here . . ." I turned around and saw that I was face to face with Emilia.

(Y/N): "There you are. Come on, Emilia. Let's get out of here. I'm sure everyone is worried about you."

Emilia: "I can't."

(Y/N): "What? Come on. We've been through so much stuff already. This'll be a piece of cake."

Emilia: "You say that, but your actually scared!" I looked at her in surprise.

Emilia: "Heh. I guess becoming a host for Reshiram has some perks, being able to see the truth."

(Y/N): "Emilia . . . if you can really can see the truth, look into my mind. Tell me what you see."

Emilia: "What else is there to see? You were with Cynthia, end of discussion."

(Y/N): "Look again . . ." Emilia concentrated, but this time, she was surprised.

Emilia: "You're scared . . . confused. You love . . . me and Cynthia?"

(Y/N): "I guess I really am a bastard for loving both of you aren't I. I guess that's why I waited for one of you two to make a move."

Emilia: "H-how could you love me? All I've done for you is yell at you, cause you more trouble! I'm not strong or confident! I've never been a champion or won anything like Cynthia!" But then I stepped forward and pulled her into a kiss. She tensed up when I did this, but slowly melted into it. After a minute, we parted.

(Y/N): "But you were there for me from the beginning, and I still want you by my side until the end. No matter what form that may take." She immediately began to tear up when I say this to her, as she knew I meant every word.

Emilia: "(Y/N). Please. Save me." I suddenly find myself in the real world, but Reshiram is no longer there. I see an unconscious Emilia, falling towards the ground. I dive down towards her and catch her.

(Y/N): "I've gotcha. Charizard catch us." He immediately flies just below me, allowing me to land on his back. I take one look at Emilia and see her resting peacefully in my arms. I kiss her forehead to comfort her.

(Y/N): "Alright. Take us home."

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