Billie's Family

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Sammis POV----

"Hello?" Bryanna answered when she picked up the phone. "Hey" I said, "I need to talk to Mike." "So you called me because?" She dragged it out like she wasn't with him. "Because he's either standing right next to you motioning for you to get off the phone so you two can continue your date or you're gonna give me his number. Now, which is it?" The phone was silent. I heard a pass off and then "hey," Mike's voice. "Hey Mike, I need a favor." "I'm listening" he replied calmly. "I'm going to Billie's in like 45 minutes and I'm actually kinda really freaking out and you're his best friend so yknow...." Mike laughed a bit and then said "chill Sammi, Billie's never ditched a girl cuz of his family's opinion and besides as far as I know his mom already loves you." "She does?" I asked confused, I've never even met her! "Yeah" said Mike, "she says she's never seen Billie happier and honestly, I agree. Plus I talked to him earlier and his ass hole brother won't be there but his sister and her boyfriend will but don't worry they're cool and she'll love you...You're actually a lot like her." I released a long breath and then asked "what about his father?" The line was quiet for some time until Mike said slowly, "first of all, Beej will kill someone if you call Danny his father, he hardly even calls him his step father. Second, Danny's most likely gonna be cool with you but he's gonna go hard in Beej....Don't take it personal, the two of them don't get along yknow?" That's what I was afraid of. "What do I do?" I asked and Mike replied with "you be the girl Billie fell in love with." I liked that answer and as I thanked Mike and hung up the phone I finished getting ready.

Billie's POV----

My mom had made a special dinner and I was just finishing setting the table when Danny walked in. "Time to meet another whore?" He asked as he patted my shoulder. I stared at the ground and said "she's not a whore Danny, she's my girlfriend." "Eh same thing right?" he said and my anger grew. Just then my mother walked in and said "Daniel, be nice. My baby really likes this girl." Danny rolled his eyes and ran to the garage to get some sodas as Sammi knocked on the door. "I got it" I said as I straightened my shirt and headed for the door. I opened it with a huge and goofy grin that I knew would lighten Sammi up but it quickly fell off my face when I seen my sister, Hollie, and her boyfriend, Adam, standing in the doorway. "Hey lover boy, sorry to disappoint!" Said Adam as he ruffed up my hair. I laughed and said "and what makes you so sure I'm disappointed?" as I hugged my sister. I didn't see her too often considering her and Adam lived off campus together near the college they went to. She hugged me back and whispered "don't you look adorable" with a smile. Of all my siblings, Hollie was my favorite. "I can't wait to meet this girl!" Hollie exclaimed as she headed to the kitchen with Adam to see my mom. I was just closing the door when Sammi arrived looking as amazing as ever. "Hey" I said as she approached the door. She gave me a quick hug and said "hey" back in a nervous voice. I laughed, "don't be nervous, they'll love you." I said and almost added in 'just like I do' but I didn't wanna screw things up. We had only been together for around a month and I didn't wanna say love too soon. She smiled and I lead her to the kitchen. "Billie" she said right before we reached the kitchen, "hm?" I replied as I stopped and turned to look at her. "I uh...I'm scared," I laughed for a second and then grabbed her hand and said "don't be." With that we entered the kitchen and I introduced Sammi to my family.

Sammi's POV----

"Guys, this is Sammi" Billie said as we entered the kitchen. He led me to a seat and sat down instantly right next to me. I smiled nervously as he introduced me, "this is my sister Hollie and her boyfriend, Adam, and this is my mom." They all smiled and sat down around the table and I said "nice to meet you." Billie's mom smiled and said "nice to meet you too sweetheart, it's great to finally be able to put a face to the name that makes my boy's heart skip a beat." Billie blushed a little bit which was absolutely adorable and I felt a lot more welcome. Until his step dad came in. He came in carrying some soda cans and set them on the table as soon as he reached it. "Hope I didn't miss to much" he began, "you must be that girl Billie's been running around with." With that he sat down and I said "yes, nice to meet you sir." "Oh look, he house trained this one to have manners" he said and Billie protectively placed his hand in mine and said "can't you at least give her a chance Danny." Billie's mom looked toward his step dad and, as a silent understanding, Danny said "sorry young lady, guess I'm not used to my boy picking out a decent girl who can behave herself." Billie got extremely red when Danny called him 'his boy' but he didn't say anything and instead just handed me a soda. It was quiet for a moment but Hollie quickly spoke up, "so how did it happen?" she asked. Billie and I looked at her confused and she went on, "how did he ask you out, I mean. It says a lot about how he feels about you and plus, I'm a curious sister" she smiled and I looked toward Billie. He looked slightly panicked because if I was going to be 100 percent honest then the story would involve him calling me a bitch, writing me a song, and banging me, all in one night. Lucky for Billie I was quicker on my toes than he was and I began to tell the story. "He had actually asked me out before but I turned him down, like a lot." His family began to laugh and he interjected "that's not fair! She asked how I succeeded, not how I was rejected!" Adam laughed and said "let the girl tell her story bro!" After the laughter died down I continued, "I told him no all the time because he never really asked, he kind of told me we were going out to the next party together or whatever at which point, I would reject him." "Smooth" Adam said to Billie who mocked him by saying "let the girl tell her story bro." "Anyways," I continued, "one day we got into a huge fight and said things we probably shouldn't have said," "the day you came home and went straight up without saying anything all day to me?" Billie's mom asked and he nodded a bit and I went on. "It was a pretty bad day for both of us" I said recalling how terrible it was. "So Mike comes over by me later that day and makes me promise that I'll go to the party that night even though Billie was a jerk and, I promised. I showed up with my two best friends, Mark and Bryanna, and Mark kept acting weird. So Billie's on stage and after the song ends he goes to the mic and says something about the next song being for someone special who rejected him a ton of times and how he's sorry. Then, he sings the most beautiful song I've ever heard and asks me if he can drive me home. In the car he asked if it would be ok if he could take me out the next day on a date and, because I've never seen him so nervous, I said yes. And it was the best decision I've ever made in my entire life." At this point I'm kind of just looking at Billie and, for a moment, I actually forgot his family was there. Then his mom says "wanna know a secret?" and I looked at her curiously and nodded. "Billie Joe was nervous before any of that, he came out of his room that morning and asked me how to ask a girl out which, he's done enough times to now how." I laughed a little and said "really?" His mother nodded and smiled and said "uh huh, he even came home and I heard him asking a friend for advice on the phone." "Mom" Billie said embarrassed but I simply smiled because that was the cutest thing I had ever heard and then, Billie said "wanna know another secret?" "What?" I asked and he looked at me dead serious and said, "it was Mark" at which point we both began to laugh. My best friend had helped my enemy ask me out, I should have known.

Billlie's POV----

The rest of the night went decently well and after dinner my mom said "Sammi, you can stay for a bit if you'd like." Sammi smiled and said "thank you Mrs.Armstrong." Hollie and Adam headed upstairs to the room they stayed in when they visited and I headed up too, but Sammi hesitated, "are you sure its ok" she asked and I simply grabbed her hand and dragged her up with me. "This is my house we're talking about" I said, "remember?" Sammi giggled a bit as I dragged her up toward my room. Outside the door she stopped and I said "don't worry, it's clean" and she nudged my shoulder. When I opened the door she stood in the door way for a moment and said "this is my boyfriend's room?" emphasizing the word this in disbelief. "What? Not what you expected?" I said as I hopped down into the bed. "Not at all" she said as she scanned the room picking up things here and there. "Oh!" I said, jumping up, "come here, I wanna show you something." I dragged her down to the bed to sit and she sat quietly taking it all in. I reached between a few redoes on my shelves and grabbed my sketch book then, I sat down next to her. Placing my arm around her waist I told her, "I've never shown anyone except Mike and Tré before" and she said "what is it?" Rather than explaining I simply handed her the sketch book and placed my head on her shoulder as she flipped through it. "Billie" she said slowly and under he breath as she flipped through the many sketches of her, "these are beautiful..." "you think?" I said practically bouncing around the room. She laughed at me and said "yes! They're amazing!" "This one's my favorite" I said as I pulled a sketch out that I had drawn after the first time we kissed. (Excluding that night at the party) It was a picture of Sammi and I kissing that I had drawn and my hand placed on her cheek but just barely and with her hands on my neck, just like it had been. "It's perfect Billie" she said as she set it down and leaned into me for a kiss. Up until now we had just been giving short and quick kisses but this time she wasn't gonna stop. Slowly she allowed my tongue access to her mouth and her hands found their place on the back of my neck. Pretty soon I grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up into my lap so she was straddling me. We made out for a solid 10 minutes until Adam knocked on the door. Sammi quickly jumped away and Adam popped his head in to say, "I know you two were just doing your business and I don't mean to cock block but Hollie insisted I see if you'd wanna watch the movie downstairs with us." I looked toward Sammi who shrugged and said "my Uncle Nate should be here in about 20 minutes." "We'll pass but thanks Adam" I said as he nodded his head and closed the door behind him. "Now, where were we" Sammi asked playfully as she hopped back into my lap and entangled her lips once again in mine. We stayed like that until her Uncle called to say he was here at which point we headed downstairs. Hollie, Adam, my Mom, and Danny were all down watching the movie so when I grabbed Sammi by the hips and gave her a solid kiss she was a bit embarrassed. She got over it quickly enough to kiss back and whisper "see you tomorrow" softly in my ear before turning away.

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