Chapter 4

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Paytons POV

It's been almost a month sense I've known the boys, and we i cant believe how close we have gotten! We have been together practically everyday and its been a blast. When i go back home its going to hard...Im really gonna miss em.

I heard a knock on my door. I was just in booty shorts and zayns sweatshirt that he let me have the very first night i met him. I didnt really want to open the door in just that, but Elisha was in the shower, so i had to. 

"PAY PAYYYY!" The Zayn, Harry, and Niall all screamed when i opened the door. Zayn grabbed my waist and threw me up, i landed in his arms with my hands around his neck. "I missed ya love!" Zayn told me, our noses now touching. "We just saw each other yesterday zayn." I tell him. "Still..." Zayn said and smiled. "ANYWAYSSS." Harry said. Zayn put me down sadly and we gathered on the couch. 

"Wheres Lou and Liam?" I ask, now noticing they werent here. "Went to see their girlfriends before we left for our trip."

"WHAT! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOI-" Niall cut me off. "Relax hun! You girls are coming with us of course!" They always let me know things last minute. 

"Where? This will be so fun! But wait...Why isnt Eleanor and Danielle coming too?" I ask. I know if i was dating one of the boys, I wouldnt think its right that other girls get to come, yet they dont.

"Thats a suprise where. And its also a suprise why." Harry said and winked. "So pack up darling!"

"You guys are telling me, or Im not going!" I smirk. Ha, now they have to tell me.

"C'mon, just pack! We will let you after the meeting!" Zayn says. Oh yeah, i forgot that meeting to decide when my next tour is going to be is today.

"Okay, fine. But you guys gotta go, i need to get ready." I tell them and they all leave except for Niall.

"Wheres Elisha?" He asks and looks around.

"In the shower, you came 10 minutes to early champ." He looks rather sad, but then carries on and leaves. " This will be fun..." i thought to myself as i left to get ready.

Zayn POV

I noticed she was wearing my sweatshirt when we came in. That made me get butterflies. What am i saying? I never get butterflies. I suppose im really falling hard for her...

Niall gets up off the couch we are all sitting on in Louis' and Harrys flat. "Gonna go shower." He tells us and leaves. Now its only me and Harry. We sit in silence for a few moments, both knowing we are thinking the same things...

"You really like her, dont you?" We both say at the same time, and each of us knew what the other person was going to say."Yes". we both say again, I chuckled at that, it was ironic. Harry and I were still the best of buds,we love each other to death, but it was a little different. Jealousy was often felt between us. Everytime one of us would carry Payton,  or snuggle up with her, you could the the one of us that wasnt was dissapointed and envious. 

"We wont let this break up our friendship...right zayn?"Harry asked, now looking up at me.

"Of course not Hazza!!! Not in a million years. We'll always be friends." I tell him.

"Kay...ZARRY FOREVER!" He says and throws his fist in the air. I laugh.

"Agreed!....But if one of us gets the girl, we should promise that the other one will look past it, and move one. Deal?" He agrees and im so happy about that. Just then I hear a knock on the door.

I open it up to see Payton and Elisha, along with Louis and Liam. They walk in and sit down. Elisha is wearing a yellow and white striped shirt with a purple flowy top. Niall is staring at her, and stands up to greet her. They hug, and it lasts longer than usually. He plants a kiss on her cheek and she smiles.

Then i see Payton, who is wearing black leggings with a sweater over it and boots. Her hair was in a sideways fishtail braid, with her side bangs out of it. She will always look perfect.

Harry POV

She looked beautiful, yet again. She does all the time. She IS all the time. What i mean by 'is' is that she is beautiful on the inside. Pure beauty. I go up to her and her forehead, pulling her close to me. "Hey Haz." She says. She isnt as close to me as before, but my arm is still around her waist. "Everyone ready?" Elisha asks. We all say yes. I see Payton stuggling to carry her bag.

"Need help with that lovely?" I ask her and smile. she gives me a smile back.

"I can handle it." She tells me, but i know thats not true. 

"Liar." I tell her, and pick her up by the waist and move her behind me. I pick up her bag, I can tell she packed to much. 

"I told you i had it!" She never wants any help. I stick my tongue out at her and walk out the door, following all the others. Then i hear her footsteps running toward me. She leaps onto my back and raps her legs around my waist. "Why didnt you listen to me?" She whispers in my ear. I turn my head so i look her directly in the eyes. "Sometimes, to do whats best, you need to stop listening."

Payton POV

"Sometimes to do whats best, you need to stop listening." Im on his back and our faces are almost touching. I bite my lip. "Guys, stop being such slow-pokes!" I hear elisha yell from the car. The poparazzi was outside the main lobby, and i knew that if we went out there like we were, with me on his back, they would think we;re dating. But hey, I really didnt care about that. Harry needed payback for not listening, and i think having to carry his bags, my bags, and me was tough work. So it worth it.

We open the doors to the exit and we are flooded with questions like, "Whens the wedding?" and "Harry, I thought you were single!". I tell yell just loud enough for them to hear. "Not dating, I just like the ride." I laugh and say, "Giddy up horsey!" The crowd laughs and we enter the car. Again, I sit between Harry and Zayn, Elisha next to Niall in the way back, and LIam and Louis in the front. Zayn puts his arm around me thru the drive. 

Once we get to the building where the meeting was taking place, We enter a room with a oval table and spiny chairs. Louis runs in and sits down quickly and spins like mad. Everyone chuckles; well except for the management (besides Rose) who was already there waiting for us. 

"So i assume you already know who youre touring with?" The guy at the head of the table said.

"Actually, no. These guys wouldnt tell me and payton." Elisha said.

"Oh, well okay. You guys will be touring with each other. Payton Elizabeth will start  the first show, then it will change every other concert. So the next show. One direction will start and...." I zoned out during the rest of it. I CANT BELIEVE I WAS TOURING WITH MY BEST FRIENDS. (: Me and elisha looked at each and were smiling like crazy.

"I thought you guys would be happy about this!" Rose says. "You guys will stay in the UK until the tour starts, then you will go to america. You will stay there a little longer than normal so you can visit and Payton and Elisha can see friends and such. Then South america, Ausrtialia, China and Japan, the tour the European countries. OKay?"

"Sounds amazing!!" I say.

"Kay, well the meeting is over. You may leave now." The person at the head of the table said.

We walked back to the car, me and elisha chatting about how amazing this will be!

Once we got in i realized they still havent told us where we were going and why. 

"So are you going to tell us now?" I ask. 

Harry was being harry and said, "Hmmmm...I dont know what your talking about." And winked.

"If youre not telling, Im going to harry." Liam said and smiled. " We are going to a lakehouse on the coast of Britain. And youre coming with us because management said we should actually try to live together for a while before we go on tour, to make sure there wont be any fights and to get a feel for what itll be like."

"that sounds fantastic!" Elisha says in enthusiam.

"It truely does!" I say and everyone starts getting extremely excited.

*1 hour later*

Zayns POV

Everyone was asleep in the car except for Louis who was driving, and me. Paytons head was on my ches and her legs were on across mine. I snuggled in close to her and slowly fell asleep. 

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