chapter3:stern miss lovato/nice miss lovato

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(Martynas pov)
Talent show was coming up and i was preparing, i have no idea why i agreed maybe the fact that i always wanted to go to demis and nicks concert and that kinda persuaded me to do it or maybe because tegan couldnt stop giving me her puppy dog eyes until i agreed to do it, i sighed as me and tegan prackticed are songs and basically thats how it went until the talent show came and i was the 5 preformer and tegan was the 7, we both waited for are turn oh god why im i so nerveous i took a deep breath as my name was called on i went out and saw demi and nick and simon cowell, great eaven better now simon cowell is here well im gonna have fun so they asked me my name and basic questions and they said that the stage is mine i sighed and sat down on the stool with my guitar.

The music started to play as i strumed my guitar and started playing, i sang i had my eyes closed the whole time might aswell get into the song and feel it right, after skyscraper ended i opend my eyes simons eyes were wide same as nicks and demi was smiling and crying at the same time maybe tegan was right after all, they said theire coments and all and they said i could go of stage now so i said bye and went then i went of and waited until tegan did her performance the juges were also impressed which was good. So we had to wait until the next day for the verdict and me and tegan were nerveous exited and scared, we were all called out on stage and they did from fith place to first place they called out people names and we werent on theire until seconde and first was called out and it was me and tegan my mouth droped tegan was like really happy. So we all congratulated each other and we got the tickets ahhhhh so cool. After that it was break time and we went outside to play.

(Demis pov)(suprise!!! not really)

I was smiling like a idiot im so happy martyna and tegan got through both of them have great voices but martyna made me cry yes because the song was mine song and it means alot to me but also beacause well i have this seacret that im not telling, but belive me if you ever find out you will know what i mean. I sighed and went outside with nick and simon some kids ran up asking for a photo or autograph i saw martyna and tegan playing on the bars then they just walked around the play ground talking, nick looked at me and smiled you wanna tell her dont you he asked i smiled eaven though me and nick arnt together we use to be as the seacret is his aswell. I sighed yes i do but i dont think its the right time yet he nodded his head and both just watched them playing.

After break i went to teach my next class and nick and simon went back to my house well apartment, i tought the class which somewhat behaved today and then i had a free lesson so i graded some work and saw that the yr 9 were theire. I looked and saw martyna laughing making me smile she slid down the wall crying from laughter with her friends now i wonder what they are laughing at probably one of the teachers i tend to hear that they like to make fun of the teachers and yes its rude but i dont blame them i use to do the same thing when i was in school or had a tutor, i went back to grading the work students did and then went to starbucks to get cofee when it was luch.

(Martynas pov)

Oh we so couldnt stop laughing basically not to be mean but we have this teacher called mr williamson and his head is so shiny like when he is in the light you can see his reflaction or somtimes its just funny moments for example one of the students was like champagne and sir just popped his head in the clasroom and was like no so we made a meme out of it and yh we simply find it halerious, and right now we have tech but we doing kinda like a mood borde for are project which is balsa wood and we gonna make candle holders. We all did are reaserch well tegan looked up curly stick or as his real name is trevor Dahl the one from cheat codes me and tegan dont really like him but we dont mind the only reason we dont like him is because he nearly kissed demi like theire faces were inches apart from each other and me and tegan nearly died seeing this.

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