Chapter 55 ♡

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Chapter 55

(Kat's POV)

"We're here," Zayn said as we pulled up in front of mom's house after a two hour car ride.

I couldn't help but get a bit scared as he stopped the car. I have no idea why, but I always became a bit strange when I came to mom's house. But anyways, it was two days after Christmas and Mom had invited me over so that she could spend some time with me.

Zayn opened his door and I followed pursuit. We both hopped out of the car and he said, "you go inside, I'm going to get your things."

I nodded, realizing there was no point in telling him that I could get them myself. I walked up the walkway and rang the doorbell. It took a couple of seconds before Mom answered, a giant smile plastered on her face.

"Hey Kat!" She exclaimed, attacking me in a hug.

I let a sigh of relief leave my lips, she was in a good mood. I hugged her back and said, "hey mom, merry late Christmas."

She laughed and pulled apart, "merry late Christmas to you too." Then she looked over my shoulder to see Zayn getting my bags out of the trunk. "Oh, Zayn's here too!" She beamed, then looked down at my wrist to see the bracelet she made Zayn tie on me still there.

Then she looked back up at me, "come on in."

I followed her inside and looked around to see the familiar setting.

"Kat, hey," Annabel said as she walked down the stairs.

"Hey," I replied and Ariel started walking down the stairs.

"Oh, hello Kat," Ariel said as she saw me. I noticed another girl following her down the stairs, I had seen her before, but I wasn't quite sure where.

But she was certainly gorgeous. She had chestnut hair and bright green eyes. Her smile was so familiar to me, it looked somewhat like Zayn's.

"Oh," Ariel said, realizing that I was staring at the girl. "This is our friend, Doniya. Doniya, this is our step sister, Kat."

She extended her hand to me and I suddenly remembered who she was. My eyes widened as my heart rate quickened. She looked at me oddly as I just stared at her.

"Um, are you okay?" She asked, her accent so similar to Zayn's.

I shook my head out of my trans and took her hand in mine, shaking it casually. "Doniya Malik?" I asked.

She looked surprised, "uh, yeah. But how do you know that?"

"Zayn," I whispered.


"Zayn!" Mom yelled as I heard Zayn walk in the door from behind me. I didn't turn to look at him, instead I studied Doniya's expression change from surprised to emotional.

She stared at him, but I don't think he noticed her as he was too busy greeting my mom. I finally turned around as he pulled away from hugging my mom.

He turned his head to look at me, "Kat, where do you want me to-" He immediately stopped everything. I felt his gaze lock behind me and I couldn't help but feel a bit scared of what might happen next.

He let my backpack drop off his shoulder as he stared at Doniya. Mom, Annabel, and Ariel stared at the scene, probably confused.

Zayn walked over to me before going to Doniya. I looked up at him as he whispered under his breath, "how did this-"

"It doesn't matter Zayn," I whispered back. "Here's your chance."

He stared at me for a long time, afraid of looking up. But when he finally let his gaze meet Doniya's. Without a word, Doniya ran to him and hugged him. I watched as he wrapped his arms around her and she cried into his chest.

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