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October 2nd 2017

She snuggled further into his chest, looking up at him as she spoke. "You promise you'll call?" Hope shone in her eyes as she asked the question, though she knew that he would call.

He always called.

"I promise." He exhaled against her lips, his eyes closed.

She sighed and buried her face in the crook of his neck, breathing in the scent of his manly cologne. She had bought it for him for his last birthday. He made sure to always wear whenever he was with her. "I'm going to miss you." She admitted softly, her eyes downcast as she focused on the skin on his rather than his face.

"I'm going to miss you too, baby." He whispered back, rubbing one hand down her back soothingly. "I'll take you out to dinner when you get back." He promised her with full intent of doing just that.

"I'm looking forward to it." There was a part of her that wished that she didn't have to go home and visit family, that wished her sister wasn't getting married. Jane feared that while she was away for the week, Calvin would crawl back to the woman whom the law stated was his legally wedded wife. If that happened, then Jane would be by herself, and she couldn't imagine living that life again.

He pulled back a little and held her by the shoulders so he could look at her one last time before she left. "Me too. Now travel safely."

"I will." She smiled up at him. "I love you."

He smiled too. "I love you too." He repeated back to her, pulling her back into his arms and leaning down for one last kiss before she had to board her flight.

He only hoped that this week without her flew by.


Audrey was sat on the sofa working on her laptop when he got back home.

It seemed like his few days of freedom and solitude had come to an end. There would certainly be no peace of mind for him if she was back.

Much to his surprise, she didn't greet him when he stepped into the living room and nor did she give any indication that she had even seen him. But then he noticed that she had her earphones in and was actually speaking to someone on the laptop.

Calvin didn't say anything at first, and just went into the kitchen to grab himself a drink.

Pulling open the fridge door and scanning its contents with his eyes, he settled for a bottle of sparkling cider. He closed it gently to not draw her attention towards him and leaned against the doorway of the kitchen, standing in the prime position to observe her.

"I got home a few hours ago." She paused, a small smile on her face. Calvin hadn't seen her smile in what felt like months, years. And it probably was that.

He couldn't tear his eyes away from her as she sat on the couch, dressed in a large hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, talking animatedly on the laptop screen. From the way that she was talking and the people that she spoke of, Calvin gathered that she was talking to her brother, Isaac Vaillant.

It was only when her eyes flickered away from the screen did she falter, the carefree smile now slipping off her face as her lips pulled down into a neutral line. Her eyes stayed glued on his standing figure on the doorway longer than necessary before she returned her attention back to her brother.

A few more minutes passed before she told her brother that she loved him and ended the call, the smile disappearing off of her face once the screen went black.

He watched as she shut the laptop and stood up, not speaking a word to him before heading upstairs.

Maybe it was best this way.

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