Relationship with taeyong<3

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- where do I start with this lil fluff ball?

- he'd always take you to basketball games as dates because he's adorable like that

- and he'd buy snacks

- lots of them

- and then you'd  head back to NCTs dorm to spoil the scores for them

- then haechan would, I'm pretty sure, spoil like every movie ever

- that you haven't seen

- and he'd just be straight up salty.

- every Sunday taeyong sends you a bouquet of lilies with a note

- every week it's a new quote

- and they're always based around you

- "if my love for you was any stronger, it'd be stronger than the rock"

- did I forget to mention he makes terrible jokes?

- yeh and you're the one he always try's them out on first

- "y/n, is this joke good-"

- then he'd tell a terrible joke

- "yes taeyong that joke is amazing obviously"

- you're not being sarcastic at all

- definitely not

- WhoOps

- he can be like the cutest boyfriend ever at times though

- like he always wants to cuddle

- whether it's infront of the other members

- or not

- but he loves seeing the Dream members cringe

- especially jeno

- and jisung

- gr9 stuffs right there guys

- just look after him please

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