Relationship with taeil<3

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— forever cuddling

— not infront of the other members though cause he's the oldest and has a reputation to live up to

— + he'll get hella teased

— he likes to caress the bottom of your ear lobe

— and he's a big sucker for your kisses

— especially when they are on his cheek

— you go on regular picnic dates and then end up with all of NCT there cause Taeil's the chef of the dorm

— it's usually really fun with them all there though so neither of you mind

— afterwards you all go back to the dorm and watch a movie

— you asking to watch a horror so taeil can cuddle you without the rest of the members teasing him

— and because you love the attention

— half way through the movie you'll sneak a kiss on his cheek

— and he'll become a grinning mess

— when he goes to dance practices you get worried cause he's such a clumsy pabo

— and if he were to hurt himself it'd make you really sad

— constant 'I love you's

— but most of the time he'll be like 'I love me too'

— then you'd both fall into fits of laughter

— he'd probably end up rolling on the floor

— while you laughed even harder at how stupid he looks

— omg please look after this child

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