NCT dream*how you met*♡

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Ice skating

It was Sunday and it was v cold so you decided, what a wonderful day to ice skate. You invited your friend along cause lord knows you aren't going alone. You wrapped up wearing your bright white bubble coat, a white scarf, some white earmuffs and white gloves (So much white xD). After you and your friend got to the ice rink you bought some skates and put both your bags behind the till to be looked after.
Several times your friend fell over and you laughed at her every single time.
While laughing at her you weren't looking where you were going and you bumped into someone making you fall flat on you butt.
"Ah" you wimpered in pain
"Omg I'm so sorry" a young extremely good looking guy said helping you up.
"Oh thank you I mean, it's ok" you blushed.
"You know to say sorry I could take you to get something to eat, maybe.. tomorrow?" He smiled
"I would love that but um what's your name?"
"Mark and yours?"

 tomorrow?" He smiled"I would love that but um what's your name?""Mark and yours?""Y/n"

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You decided to take Korean in school. You'd been going to a nice school in China for 4 months now but never took Korean which you always wanted to. You decided to give it a shot.
You introduced yourself in class and was told to sit next to a boy who wore short overalls and a cute sweater. He looked about 11 but he's in my year so he couldn't possibly of been that old.
"Hello" he smiled brightly. His smile was truly beautiful.
"Hi I'm y/n!" You smiled back
"I'm renjun, how long have you gone to this school I haven't seen you around?"
"Only about 4 months, what makes you take Korean?"
"I've always wanted to be in kpop group you?"
"I just love the language really"
"Hehe cute"

"Hi I'm y/n!" You smiled back"I'm renjun, how long have you gone to this school I haven't seen you around?""Only about 4 months, what makes you take Korean?""I've always wanted to be in kpop group you?""I just love the language really""Hehe cute"

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A maroon 5 concert

You were a huge fan of maroon 5 and your parents managed to get you tickets *cry*. But today was the concert and you didn't know what to wear, honestly you didn't care you just wanted to hear them sing!
Your mum being amazing af dropped you off at the concert, leaving you on your own for about two hours while you waited for it to start. You looked around to maybe get some food after all you were starving.
You lined up at this cute little food court place thing to get some ramen when you tripped over a boys leg.
"OMG IM SO SORRY!!" He grabbed your hand pulling you up.
"'s okay more careful next time" you dusted yourself off and we're about to walk off but he grabbed your wrist.
"I haven't gone anywhere..?"
"Oh right hehe anyway I'm jeno"
"That's great and I'm leaving"
"Omo this child"
"Your name?"
"Ugh y/n"
"OOHHH SO PRETTY" when I look at him properly he's actually kinda cute. "A pretty name for a pretty girl!"
"Shut up!" You blushed

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