*Ticktock* I watch the clock as another hour has been wasted in my math class. " This is the longest 5 minutes of my life" I thought. I listen to Mr. Salvatore as he goes on about nonsense. Finally the bell rang for lunch. I darted out of the class room to meet Ashton by our lockers.
" Soo how was math with Mr. Salvatore?" Asked Ashton. " Same thing everyday boring." I said while rolling my eyes.
"At least you weren't with Rebecca Crawford in art who was bragging about her latest hook up with Grayson Dolan" she complained. We both laughed as we walked to the lunch room.
We sat down with our food and started eating. "What's so good about Grayson? He's just an annoying scumbag that can't keep his dick in his pants." I said annoyed.
"He's everyone's dream guy he's famous, low key a bad boy, and fine as hell" she grinned.
"Ugh I hate him so much" I spat. " You know what I dare you to ask him for his Snapchat right now" she said.
" You've got to be kidding me" I rolled my eyes. "Go or I'll do something worse" she said as she pushed me from the table.
I walked slowly to Grayson's table. I turned around one last time to Ashton to flip her off. As I reached the table Grayson eyes were on me. I took a deep breath before I sat down in front of him.
"Hey Grayson" I said as I tried to smile.
"What do you want? I'm not in the mood for a hook up today." He asked rudely.
" Does it look like I came over here for a hook up?" I asked with a nasty face. "Kinda " he replied.
I rolled my eyes. " Well then you've got me all wrong I don't even like you I'm just here because I was dared to come over here and get your snap"
" You don't like me?" He asked. " Ew no. So are you going to give me your snap or not?" I replied. "Sure let me see your phone" he said while he reached his hand out.
I gave him my phone and he put his username in then he took his phone out and added me back. After that he finally gave my phone back and I walked over to were Ashton was sitting.
I sat down. " I hate you so much" I said to Ashton. " You love me" she smiled. I rolled my eyes and continued to finish my lunch.
(Skip to after school)
Me and Ashton walked to my jeep we got in and I drove her home. I pulled into my drive way and took a quick picture of myself and sent it to Ashton. "Fuckkkkkkk" my eyes widened as I noticed I sent it to Grayson instead of Ashton.I walked to my room as my phone went off. It was a picture from Grayson . I opened it and I was a picture of him in his car with emojis (😍🤤). I sent him another picture of me saying I sent it to the wrong person.
(Conversation with Ashton)
A- Omg what did he say
O- He didn't say anything he just sent a picture of himself with the 😍🤤
A- Oo you have to start talking to him
O-Ugh fine what do I say
A- Ask him what he's doing or something
(End of conversation)
I went back into Snapchat and opened Grayson's text and started chatting with him
G- Its fine wyd?
O-Nothing at all 😐
G- You should come over😝
G-Why not??
O- Cause I don't like you.....
G-Wow hurts 😂. Why don't you like me baby girl ??
O-1. Your a fuckboy 2. You are full of yourself
G- You barely know me..🤔
O- And.. your still a fuckboy
G- Alright bet. I'll show you at the mall tomorrow how I really am baby girl 😏
O-Don't call me that😡
G- I'll pick you up after school babe💞I left him on open and told Ashton to come over so I can tell her what happened.
After about 15 minutes Ashton showed up and I told her everything.
"And now he is picking me up after school"
"Yoooo you should totally go" she said.
"I should totally not go I don't want to go anywhere with him." I rolled my eyes.
" Your going no matter what" she stated.
"Whyy you know I can't stand him" I whined.
"Just go this once and see how it is" she said.
"Ugh fine just this once tho" I sighed knowing tomorrow is going to be hell.
Ashton decided to just stay the night and go home in the morning before school. We were watching vampire diaries when I got a snap from Grayson. I opened it and it was a picture of him in the mirror with just a towel on "care to join?" I rolled my eyes and replied back "fuck off" he replied back laughing.
I got up and took a shower. When I got out I put a sports bra a shorts on. I took a mirror picture and posted it on my story "Goodnight snap💙" I laid down with my phone next to me and continued to watch Tvd with Ashton. After about 2 episodes we turned the tv off to go to sleep.
*Ding* my phone went off. It was Grayson. I opened it and I was a comment on my story "Damn baby girl 🤤" I Rolled my eyes and replied back "Fuck off Dolan" I closed my phone and got up to get a snack. I went downstairs and grabbed a honey bun and went back upstairs to my room. After I was done went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I was finished I laid back down by Ashton and finally went to sleep.

Dared (G.D)
Подростковая литератураSo its my last year in high school and my friend has dared me to talk to the sluttiest human being in North High. Lets see how this works out....