oh god

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Ok....now remember I love everyone of my readers. But....I check my followers and there's s New one...DippyFressh

Now, thank u my kind person. But how did u find my page? A book? A tag? A friend? Tell me....

But the legit dippy freash....makes me want to throw myself down a hole. I'm sorry. But he is the UMBRIDGE OF THE SHOW!!! Now to all those who like his character  tell me why! Maybe you can change my view!! But also......y'all know that one photo I posted of myself.....on that one book.....why do so many people think I'm not ugly. Like I guess I get it but.....Oh my. You are all jealous of my hair!! Yep that's it. My lovely hair. Well guess what it's my hair. Not yours. Lol and for those who haven't seen it, I think it's on my broken bro's book. Please don't if you don't care. I don't think looks should be what a person is all about. I get hair colour, and fashion choices to reflect your personality. But not ones face. I'm glad I didn't do a body length pic....I sadly have an hour glass figure....ugh why?? Ok funny story tho, me and my friend Taylor were talking, and she said in high school I'll turn gay guys straight!! I died laughing. Yeah it all started cause she punched my....chest..and I started to complain about how all my friends are flatter than me. By quiet a bit to. Ugh I just want to be normal!! Not this friggan skinny hour glass I have to deal with!!! SOS!! Oh wait main point.

How did y'all come across my (imma just call it this) channel?

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