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Cheater ((8))

It's a month later. The band had made a lot of progress on their new album, which they had decided would be called 'Meet the Vamps'. A few songs had been written as a group, been edited, and been practiced countless times.

Tristan had become great friends with James and Connor, best friends; brothers. But Bradley...things are, and always have been, weird with the curly-haired boy, but they have a really close bond. Not exactly friendship. Nothing more, though. At least, in Tristan's mind. But they're not really best friends. Friends, sure...but nothing like the brother - brother relationship that Tris, Connor and James share. Much different.

Tristan's room is cold, and he is extremely bored. The book in his hand doesn't make much sense, and he really wants to get out and do something. But he's not in the mood to go out alone, and he kind of needs a break from everyone.

Tristan's phone starts blaring that stupid, built in ringtone, and he completely expects Jules or someone from his family to be on the other line. He's really not in the mood. But it's not them.


"Hey, Tris. You busy?"

Tristan looks down at the confusing book and his messy desk. "No. I'm not busy. Why? What's up?"

"Perfect. I'll pick you up in fifteen."

Before Tristan can ask any further questions, Bradley hangs up.

Tristan blinks, surprised, unsure of what really just happened. The phone rings again, and the blonde boy hesitantly picks it back up.


"Hey, Jules."

"Wanna hang out?"

"Sorry, Jules, I was just about to go out actually." Tristan says, tapping his foot. He wants to go, go, go.

"Can I meet you?"

"Jules, no. I'm going out with my friend. I'll see you later."

"Alright, fine. I had other plans too. My friend is coming to my place. Bye." She hangs up and Tristan shakes his head, throwing his phone down.

Bradley pops back into his mind and he smiles. Jules almost ruined Tristan's bubbly, happy mood. But she didn't, and he jumps up, rushing to take a quick shower and change his clothes.

By the time Bradley gets there and honks the car horn, Tristan has his shoes on, his keys and phone in his pocket. He shuts and locks the front door behind him, making his way to the lobby and then outside, towards where Bradley's car idles near the curb.

"So," Tristan says as he climbs into the car and buckles his seatbelt, his still-wet hair flopping across his forehead. "Where are we going?"

Bradley grins, a cute little look in his eyes. "You know, I have no idea. But I was bored, and you were free. So, we're gonna drive around and see where we end up."

Tristan kind of smiles, shaking his head as his mind fills with flashes of their little beach outing. "Sounds like a plan."


The two boys drove for two hours, and ended up at an empty parking lot. It wasn't attached to anything, but they both had wanted to get out of the car, so they had taken a walk and after venturing for forty minutes, they found a worn down restaurant. It was small, and the outside of it was nothing special. Faded, chipping white paint, a few windows, double doors leading into the place. The inside; not fancy or anything. There's the cash register, and a long counter with high bar stools. Few tables are scattered around the small area, and booths line the walls; walls which are actually all chalkboard. Each table has a little container of chalk and a small blackboard eraser, and colourful drawings cover most of the space.

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