thirty three

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Cheater ((33))

When Tristan wakes up, it takes him a minute to register everything. He's still on the couch, though he's alone now. Memories of the previous night appear, but rather than a frown, a smile is what forms on his face when he thinks of Brad.

"We'll talk about it in the morning."

It's the morning, isn't it? So that means it's time to talk. Tristan grins, getting up from his comfortable spot on the sofa, and he looks around the room; no Bradley in sight, but a piece of paper sits on the counter. Quite a long message is scrawled across it in Brad's familiar handwriting, and the blond grabs it, pulling himself up to sit on the counter as he reads.

If you're reading this, that means you woke up and I'm not there. I mean, obviously that's what happened...anyways, I headed to James' place around eleven.~

Tristan looks at the clock. It's only noon, so Brad hadn't left too long ago.

~Since we fell asleep at eleven thirty last night and you got barely any sleep the night before that, when I woke up at nine thirty this morning, I wanted to let you sleep longer. Also, if I'm being honest, you looked really peaceful and so fucking cute that I couldn't bring myself to disturb you.~

There's a little stall in the letters and Tris smiles, as it's obvious that Bradley hadn't known what to write next.

~Anyways, about James' place today – it's not a band practice, so you're not missing out on much. But you know, when you read this, you should come down, because I really like seeing your face ~

This alone makes his stomach twist in joy.

~I should stop writing you a novel now. James won't stop texting me so I've kind of gotta...oh my gosh you just did the cutest thing ever. You were dreaming about something I think, and your nose scrunched up and then – you don't care about what cute thing you did in your sleep, I'm just rambling. Now James is calling me too, and the ringtone is going to wake you up, so I'm going to go now. See you soon, hopefully?

Tristan, who now has a giddy smile on his face, walks into his bedroom. He gets ready quickly, and when he finishes, he folds up Bradley's note and tucks it in the drawer of his bedside table.

In traffic on the way to James', the blond had never been so antsy. He taps his fingers against the wheel, wishing that the cars would move. Finally they do, and the whole way to the house Tristan is grinning, not sure exactly what he's going to say but wanting to just get there and go with the flow.

When he gets to the house, he parks and jumps out of the vehicle as fast as he possibly can, basically running through the front door. Inside, he passes Connor, who'd just exited the bathroom, and James, who stands in the kitchen and says a quick 'hey' as he speeds past.

He doesn't make any stops on his way to the garage. When he enters, he can see Brad sitting on a metal chair, scrolling through his phone. Tristan lets the door slam behind him, which catches the curly-haired boys attention, and he slides his phone into his pocket.

"Hey, Tris," he calls over, a cheeky smile appearing on his face.

Tristan doesn't reply, and he jumps down the stairs. He makes a beeline right for Bradley, who now stands up, and when he reaches him, Tris gently grabs his face, tilting his chin up and slamming their lips together.

Brad is surprised by the sudden contact but it doesn't take him long to react; he stands on his tiptoes to get closer to Tristan's height, his hands finding their way to his waist.

The kiss lasts at least a minute, and when they separate, Bradley looks up in confusion, eyes twinkling and a smile on his face. "What was that for?"

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