Chapter 2

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Blue sat peacefully eating at the edge of the cave with Cloud and Wood. He stared into the open lands, much more to explore. Now is the right time to tell them! Blue said to himself. They have to know at some point.

Blue sat up straight as he finished his food, "Cloud, Wood, I have to tell you something." Cloud looked up at him, "don't tell me you are leaving! Not yet!" She cried.

Blue growled a little. "Don't worry, Cloud. I still need to learn more. Anyways, my family have sent me a message." Wood and Cloud looked at each other and looked back at Blue.

"How?" Cloud asked. Blue showed an uncertain grin, "I don't know. They appeared at a watering hole. Continuing on, they have set me a mission. I have to get home." He puffed out his chest.

Cloud widened her eyes, "well, I have to say something. One, you need training. And two-" she paused. "I'm coming with you!" Blue was amazed, he never thought that Cloud would come to help him!

"But what about you, Wood? Would you like to come with us?" Cloud asked her father. Wood just laughed, "you two can go. My old bones wouldn't carry me to the bottom of the cave and back. You are both young, you will find what you seek."

The white she-wolf nuzzled Wood, taking in every moment. Blue just watched with empathy. I wish I could of done that with Arrow. "We will always think of you, Wood."

After the chat, Blue and Cloud went out to hunt. The birch wolf followed Cloud down a steep slope. Blue looked back to see something he never noticed before. The cave was in a mountain!

As they got to the bottom, scents of prey filled the air. It was Spring, so prey was multiplying quickly. Blue stood back as Cloud crouched just behind a blackbird. She put her paws down carefully, making no noise. She curled up her tail as she bared her teeth behind the bird. She slid out her claws as she leaped onto the blackbird, which went limp in one single hit of a claw.

Cloud carried it back to Blue, who was watching patiently. She dropped the blackbird beside the roots of a giant oak tree, then buried it under the ground. "Now you try, Blue." She said.

Blue suddenly spotted a squirrel eating a nut. He dropped down to the ground and curled his tail in. He slowly stepped forward, carefully putting one paw in front of another. But, a crunch was heard and the squirrel dashed away.

"No!" He squeaked. He slouched over beside Cloud as she gave him a comforting lick. "Don't worry, Blue. I remember I didn't do it on my first try. Come on, the sun is setting. We better get back home."

Blue tensed at her words. This isn't my home. My home is with Willow and Arrow and all my siblings.

As they trekked through the forest, a low growling sound was heard. Blue and Cloud stopped as dark shapes came out of the brambles. "Well, what do we have here? Two little wolves, eh? Let's show them what foxes can do!" Snarled the biggest one.

The foxes then leaped up on the two younger wolves, fighting for all they could. There were ten foxes, but only two wolves.

Five of them jumped onto Blue, who was squashed by them all. One bit his hindpaw, while another clawed at his belly. Blue tried to fight back, but there was no use.

In the corner of his eye, he could see Cloud getting beaten to death by the biggest fox. No! They can't kill Cloud! Blue yelled in his mind. Blue could then feel the foxes getting weaker, as well as himself. Soon all he could see was darkness.

He woke up, hoping that this was all a brutal nightmare.

But it wasn't.

Blue and Cloud were stuck in a fox den, surrounded by a whole pack of foxes. They looked skinny and hungry, and dying to feast their teeth into them.

The two wolves were tied in old human's rope, which looked like it had been used many times. There was blood and fur stuck to it, which made Blue's heart pump faster. Were they going to get eaten?

The biggest fox, which they met in the battle, stood before the other foxes. "I know times have been hard through the forest, but now we have something to feast on!" He yowled.

The other foxes growled and snarled at them. They bared their teeth as the leader unwrapped the rope. Blue closed his eyes as the foxes leaped onto them. Their teeth sunk deep into their fur, they were hopeless to survive.

But a yowl was heard above everything. It was Wood. He stood alone, fury burning in his eyes. The foxes turned towards him as the leader stood in front of Wood. "What do you want? Your little wolves? They are food now!" He yowled.

The foxes surrounded the old wolf as Blue and Cloud got up. But two foxes pushed them down again, "you aren't going anywhere." Whispered one of them.

"Let them go, take me. I have no hope left." Wood confessed. The leader smirked, "very well then." The two foxes let Blue and Cloud go, so they raced to the exit. The old wolf looked at them. Run!" Rasped Wood. "And don't look back!" The two wolves raced from the den as the old wolf was outnumbered by the foxes.

Cloud stayed back as she watched her father getting ripped to shreds by the foxes. Blue put his paw on her shoulder before they took off again towards the mountain.

Now they didn't have Wood, they would have to face things alone. Life for Blue and Cloud was getting worse.

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