Chapter 5

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It was a cold and stormy morning. Cloud and Blue were sleeping in the upstairs room. One week had past since they had been captured by Star. 

It had been a rough routine. First they had to go and hunt, then the wolf had to battle with them each. Star never gave him a name, so they just called him The Wolf. Then at night they had to do whatever Star said. Before sleeping, they always had to go and see Blazer.

Blazer was like a medicine horse, always helping cuts and bruises. She was nice and always loved to talk. She is young but talented, The Wolf always said.

Dawn was breaking as Star was yowling for the two wolves. Blue opened his eyes as he felt a paw prodding on him. He could see Cloud standing in front of him. "Come on Blue, time for a boring day's work."

They slinked down the stairs and stood in front of Star. She sat proudly with The Wolf beside her. She growled for their attention. "Now, today we are going to be doing some fighting practice. I think all your battle moves could do with some work. I want Cloud and Blue to fight together against The Wolf, then you will do it separately. Now go and practice, I want you all back here at noon."

The three wolves dashed out of the house and into the open forest. Chills hit Blue like a claw to the face. The rain was pouring down and their pelts were soaking wet.

The Wolf led them to the training pit; a large grass clearing with brambles around the edge. Blood was stained everywhere from previous battles.

Once they went in, they got into their positions. Cloud and Blue stood together, with The Wolf at the other side.

Suddenly, the duo launched themselves at the bigger wolf. Blue leaped up onto his back while Cloud stood in front. The white she-wolf went underneath him and threw him up into the air with all she could.

The Wolf landed on his back with Blue flying off to pin him down. Cloud then got his bushy tail and bit into it.

"Do you surrender?" Blue howled. But The Wolf snarled, "never!" Suddenly, The Wolf slid his claws out and loosened Blue's grip. He grabbed onto the smaller wolf and pinned him down. Cloud was still hanging onto his tail.

The Wolf then aimed a blow at Blue's muzzle and sliced it across his nose. Blood blinded Blue as he bared his fangs. He snapped at his neck but couldn't reach.

The Wolf then sank his teeth into Blue's neck deeply. Blue struggled for breath and tried to claw him. Suddenly, he could hear Cloud yowling with pain. He looked over to see her beside a rock, unconscious. 

The Wolf got a hold of Blue's neck with his teeth fastened, then threw him over to a huge boulder. "Surrender or else!" Blue could hear him shouting. But then he was transported to the depths of darkness once more.


Blue woke up to find himself beside Cloud, upstairs. Was it all a dream? He looked at his pelt to see chunks of fur ripped out and deep claw marks. He must of did that when I was unconscious!

Suddenly, he saw Blazer coming upstairs with some leaves. "Hello Blue, Cloud. Are you feeling better at all?" Her voice was full of sympathy.

"I guess I'm okay," Blue rasped. He then looked over at Cloud. Most of her tail fur was torn off and she had a big bite mark on her neck, as well as a scar on her muzzle and cheek. She was still unconscious.

"Will Cloud be okay?" Blue asked. He didn't want her closest friend to die already, not when they had just set off.

"Hopefully. But to be honest, I'm worried Blue. She has such deep scratches, they might never heal. She also lost a lot of blood." Blazer trotted over to Cloud and gave her some herbs for her scratches. 

"I will tell Star about this. I don't want to waste herbs on cuts that shouldn't be there." Once Blazer had checked Blue, she went downstairs.

Blue looked over at Cloud. Her breathing was strong, but Blue knew that it didn't mean much. It could easily get weaker.

Suddenly, he heard the faint pawsteps of Star coming up. "No Blazer! I am not letting these two go! They may be weak, but they are mine now!"

Blue then saw the small, furry body of Star coming towards him. "Blue, are you feeling better?" He could hear the fakeness of her friendly tone.

"Yes, I'm alright, thanks." He responded. Star yowled, "okay then, get yourself up and go with The Wolf for more battle training."

At the last sentence, Blazer came running up. "No Star! Blue is still recovering, you shouldn't send him out to open his wounds."

The golden puppy looked up at Blazer, "you aren't the leader of these guards! You are just the healer. Go and sort some herbs or something-"

Star was cut off by Blazer's neigh. The black-and-white horse pinned the dog down with one hoof. "I'll never regret this!"

Suddenly, she smashed the floorboards with her small but strong hooves. "Run! And don't look back!

Blue got Cloud onto his back and ran down the stairs. When he got out, he could hear the screams and the crashes of the upstairs falling down. He dashed through the forest with all he could, making sure Cloud was still firmly on his back.

He raced into a small den and got his breath back. He set Cloud down and curled around her. They had finally got away from the horror of Star and the power of The Wolf. Blue wondered what would happen to Blazer, because of what she done. But he was happy they were free and safe.

Their journey will continue on.

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