Chapter 6

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Blue woke up to a crisp and chilly morning. Nothing was stirring in the forest. Blue sat up in his nest. It had been a month since they escaped Star, and both the wolves had fully recovered.

Blue had a scar on his muzzle as well as a few clumps of fur growing back, but the scratch on his neck had gone. Cloud's scratches had become scars, as well as the one on her neck.

The she-wolf's white fur was still stained a little, but she didn't mind. Blue could see her slowly awakening. He nuzzled her gently, "wake up Cloud. We have to keep going." His voice was soft and quiet.

Cloud raised her head and licked her friend's blue muzzle, "good morning Blue!" Even though she had the worst scratches, her personality never changed. "I'm ready to go!" She leapt up onto her paws and stood at the exit to the den.

Blue laughed as they dashed out together; he had never felt more free. They weaved through the trees, the leaves slowly falling off as they ran. Some lumps of grass were torn out of the ground by their powerful hind-legs. 

Soon they stopped to get their breath back in a small clearing. It reminded Blue of The Wolf almost killing them both. But he pushed away the thought as they trekked on. Cloud took the lead with Blue following behind.

"So Blue, did your parents say how we could find them?" Blue froze. They didn't! They could of been going the wrong way the whole time! "They said... to find the human's pathway first, then follow the pine trees on the other side. Yeah! That's what they said." Blue felt guilty that he had made the whole thing up, but it could be possible they are still at the cave.

"I remember the way! But, we have to go through somewhere..." Cloud's voice trailed off at the end. "Go through where?" His curiosity nudged him to ask. "We have to go through... Night Pack territory." She explained.

"Night Pack? What's that?" Now that we knew what the threat was, Blue wanted to know more.

"Well, the Night Pack are the most fierce wolves in the forest. Anyone who trespasses gets captured and forced to work. They lock you in a cage of brambles, then every day they only give you the most scrawny piece of food. Most of the time you either hunt for the pack, or fight against you. It's a time where they will do anything to hurt you." She said. He could hear the fear in her tone.

"How do you know all this?" Blue asked. Cloud then stopped. She lowered her head and whispered, "because me and Wood were once in that pack."

Blue gasped. How could a nice wolf be in such a brutal pack? "How did you escape?" 

"It wasn't easy. I was one of the fighters. I said one day to my mother that I was going to escape, so she was in with the plan. Wood came with me as well, and the plan worked perfectly. Me, Legend and Wood went out hunting, since a hunting group was meant to go out. Then, we ran off into the forest and Legend came back telling the pack that we were dead and a bear had taken us. Then I only saw my mother once more, when I was trying to save her from the humans. But I was too late. They had already caught her in a trap." 

Blue drooped his ears. He felt so sorry for Cloud. She had lost so much and he didn't want her to lose much more. He put his tail on her shoulder as they walked on.

"Did you get caught when you were saving me?" He whispered. Cloud looked up at him, "gladly not, but that is because it was in Spring. Their border groups aren't out as much. But since it's turning to Winter, they boost them." Cloud then stopped and looked into the vast forest.

"Well, we are moving on to their territory now," she murmured gently. She then walked on as Blue followed. It was dark with light patches coming through from the gaps between the trees. "How many wolves are out at this time of year?" Blue questioned.

"Well, there is five in Spring, six in Summer, seven in Autumn and ten in Winter." The she-wolf explained. Blue's eyes widened. They couldn't battle ten wolves all on their own! They had battled ten foxes, but 10 of the most vicious wolves? The thought buzzed around in Blue's head, then pushed it away as they trekked on.

Blue walked beside Cloud; he could see the fear in her eyes. Were they really that fierce? But Blue didn't ask her, he decided it was too much for her. Soon they got to a clearing full of brambles, burned wood and soot. A fire must have spread here, Blue said to himself.

They jumped over the brambles and kept walking on the other side. There was thick vines hanging from the trees, as well as a few birds hanging from them. Blue suddenly spotted a plump squirrel standing, looking out into the forest.

He got into his crouch and curled his tail up, then slid out his claws and leaped. But he was knocked to the side by something strong. He could then smell Cloud coming towards him.

"Blue, what are you doing? We can't hunt here! This is-" Suddenly, a black shape leaped up onto Cloud pinning her down, "who are you? This is Night Pack Territory!" More shapes slinked out and surrounded them.

One leaped at Blue who was trying to get the other wolf off of Cloud. It pinned him down hard, so Blue couldn't move at all. They were caught.

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