What it's like dating Andrew Clark

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-Andy would be one of the best boyfriends out there

-He is always very loving to you, even if his dad does not approve of the relationship

-He loves how understanding you are when it comes to his wrestling career

-He always feels bad after you have dinner with his parents and they talk down on you

-He always ends up screaming at his parents whenever they say mean things about you

-Your parents love Andrew and think he is the greatest guy out there

-He would be very respectful of your personal boundaries

-Andy loves to cuddle when the two of you have movie nights in his basement

-Him sneaking into your room and spending the night with you whenever he loses a wrestling match and doesn't want to go home and face his parents

-Andy would always remember your guys anniversary, he always gives you a single rose and takes you to dinner

-He loves to play with your hair when you fall asleep on his chest

-The first time the two of you have sex he is worried about hurting you

-Him always being gentle with you because you reminded him of a porcelain doll that is easily broken

-He always felt that he could go to you whenever he needed advice on anything

-The two of you being the talk of the school because you are such a good couple

-Your parents trusting you so much the Andrew is allowed over when they are not home

-The two of you always proving why they shouldn't leave you guys alone ;)

-Getting Saturday detention for making out in the lunch room

-Making out in the bathroom during Saturday detention

-Wanting to spend the rest of your life with him because of how amazing he is

A/n: So yet another book to make my life even harder :)

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