Flashback over, back to reality 😫

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*FlashBack over*
I sit in my room watching Schmidt and Winston. Schmidt's telling Winston about his plans for his birthday. I went to tell him Winston's only 6 months meaning he doesn't understand but with everything thats been going on I leave it.
I walk out of my room to take the boys to get lunch when Amy stops us. Amy's the adoption home caretaker. She says Green Hill Valley Adoption has a open day tomorrow so I have to tidy up mine and the boys room! I mean sharing a room with them isn't that bad it's just how messy they are! We get lunch then we tidy up everything. I put Winston down for his nap and I take Schmidt and his friends 'Brian and Jack' to the back yard. We finish tidying  just in time for Dinner. I go and get Winston from the room and sit him in his high chair next to me. At dinner Amy tells us the plans for tomorrow but I don't hear all of them as Winston started to get tired and cry. I take him upstairs and place him in his crib and I get Schmidt showered and ready for bed. Both of the are asleep when I remember I have filming down at the filming studios in LA. I rush down the stairs to tell Amy but she said I will have to make it another day. She doesn't really understand what being an actress is like. I go back upstairs and grab my phone. I see I have 10 messages from the cast on our group chat. I FaceTime Andy to tell him about not being able to make filming tomorrow he tells me not to worry as we can do it some other day. I look at the time and realize it's 11:34 so I put my phone on charge and go to sleep.

Adopted by Ness May 💋💏🤞🏼Where stories live. Discover now