Nothing goes right...

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I hear the fire alarms going off and the boys crying. I get up and look at the time, its 3:45am. I grab the boys and run downstairs and outside to our fire area. Amy does the register then Tia and I take all the baby's to the park to calm them down. We come back and there were fire engines everywhere. We all sit down on the road side and most of us fall asleep. We get woken up again but with snow. It was mid July and snowing. It looked so nice tho so we let the little ones play in it then this woman came over and gave us all fluffy clothes so we dress everyone in them and just sit there. I ask Amy what was happening as we had opening day. She said we are still having it as families are more likely to take us home if we are here like this. This woman come over and lets us stay at her house for the rest of the night but hardly any of us sleep as the woman's dog spent the whole night barking. I look at my phone and it says 10:46! I wake everyone up and we get the little one and take them for a morning walk. When we get back people were standing outside the what was adoption home. We were all made to stand in a line with our siblings so the parents to be knew how many of us they would have to adopt! Everyone fell in love with Winston but if they wanted him they had to have me and Schmidt too which they were not happy about! I was starting to give up on hope when this young couple came past, I really recognize them then Mackenzie turned round and told me who they were! It was Jessica Day and Nick Miller my idols! When I realized they were famous I sat down and Winston and Schmidt fell asleep on my until they came over! I stood up and they started talking to me and asking me questions! They then went and spoke with Amy.
Amy then came and got me as she had some exciting news.

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See you next chapter 🙂😀

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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