Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: Four Months.

It's been four months since Ty and I talked about an abortion. We chose to keep the baby. Tomorrow I had an appointment to find out if I was having a boy or girl. Lou had her baby girl, It was a weird day. Amy and Ty were left at the ranch with Lou, Peter was in Vancouver, I was out with Jack meeting with Laura. No one was there but Ty and Amy when Lou went into labor. Ty and Amy delivered the baby! Her name is Catherine aka, Katie. Everyone became very supportive of my pregnancy. Lou and I talked constantly about babies. We planned on going baby shopping together for my baby soon. Amy became even more busy with client horses. Everyday I helped her. I always worked with my clients horses first. Ty became an intern for Scott. He works constantly. When he's not working he's studying for exams for vet school. When he's not studying he's working on his truck or motorcycle.

I laid in bed with Ty. He had his hand on my five 1/2 month baby belly.
"What horses are you working with today?" He asked.
"Just one, Spirit. He is afraid of the saddle and won't ride," I replied.
"Okay, just be careful. I have to go to work, I'd rather you didn't ride a strange horse," he said. Ty jumped out of bed, got dressed quickly and then left for work. I went down to the stalls to get ready for work with Spirit. But because I had all day to work with Spirit, I saddled Sky so I could take her for a ride. I led Sky out of the barn and saw Amy trying to get her client horse to join up.
"When you're done with Sky could you free jump Spartan around the practice pasture. I don't have time to exercise him today?" Amy asked.
"Yeah sure. I'll be out for a few hours though," I replied.
"Text me every so often. Be careful," she said.
"You're worse than Ty," I teased as I mounted Sky and started riding away.

I rode past the river and into the woods. I rode Sky at a trot, she was gentle with me. She stepped over fallen branches without a misstep. Everything was going really smoothly when all of a sudden she stopped.
"What's wrong Sky?" She reared. "Woah girl!" I yelled. Out of no where a herd of wild horses came galloping towards Sky and I. They looked so beautiful to me, although Sky didn't think so. She started kicking. The lead mare and Sky started going at it. Soon after Sky took a hard blow, she threw me off. I landed right onto my stomach, just out of the reach of the horses. I then heard gunshots. That's when I saw all the wild horses run back where they came, and Sky running back towards Heartland.

I couldn't move. My right shoulder landed on a rock. I was in shock, then it hit me. My baby. I sat up and looked around. I could hear horse hooves coming towards me. A palomino horse stood in front of me with Tim as it's rider. Caleb rode in behind him on Shorty.
"What the hell?!" I screamed.
"Tara I'm so sorry," Tim exclaimed as he got off his horse and ran to my side.
"Are you okay?" Caleb asked as he ran to my side as well.
"I'm fucking pregnant and I got thrown from my horse. Get me to the hospital!" I yelled. Caleb picked me up and set me atop his horse. We rode back to Heartland, and then to the hospital from there.

Ty sat by my side now, we were in the hospital and had just received the worst news of our lives.
"There was no heartbeat Ms. Cohan," our doctor had told us. We were both in tears. "Your birth will be scheduled for later today," he said as he hooked me up to all the stuff that induced labor. I had to stay here all day to give birth to a dead baby.
"What were we going to have?" Ty asked.
"A girl," the doctor replied. That made me cry more.
"Bria," I said in tears. Ty hugged me. We were both crying. The hardest part about being teen parents, is loosing your baby.

At the end of the birth I was able to hold Bria. I was in labor for eight hours. Bria was so tiny, and lifeless. Ty held her after I did. We both were still crying. Bria would've had an amazing life, we would've been the best parents for her. The nurses took Bria away after about ten minutes. I wasn't in pain physically after birth. Bria was so small nothing tore. I was able to put sweatpants and a T-shirt on so I could go talk to everyone. Ty and I walked out of my room and went to the waiting room where everyone was, including Nash. He flew out when he heard the news. Laura was there as well. I started bawling when I saw everyone. I sat on a chair with Ty next to me and everyone surrounded us. I saw Tim and Caleb.
"You both need to leave," I said sternly.
"Tara it was an accident," Tim said.
"An accident that took the life of my daughter!" I screamed.
"Dad just go," Lou suggested. Caleb and Tim both left.
"I'll help pay for funeral expenses," Laura said. I hugged her.
"I want to bury her in that cemetery on the hill. The one where Marion is buried," I said.
"I think she would've loved being buried there," Amy replied.
"What did you decide to name her?" Jack asked.
"Bria Laura Borden," Ty replied.
"If it was a boy Jack, his name would've been Bryce Jack Borden," I said. Jack held my hand.
"Bria is a beautiful name," he replied.

Two days had passed. We had a funeral service for Bria at the cemetery on the hill where Amy's mom is buried. We had her dressed in a hand knit pink dress that Laura had made for her. She had on matching booties and a hat. Everything was large on her but she was still adorable. We had her surrounded with stuffed animals and flowers. I put pictures in the casket of all her family, that included everyone I knew here in Canada. I put in a picture of Maisie on Chance and picture of Sky. I also put in a letter saying,
"I know I never got to know you my dear Bria. I loved you so much. You left your father and I too soon. I just want you to know how much I love you and how much I'll miss you. Life won't be the same without you. I need you to know that, even though Ty and I are young, we would've given you the best life. Keep an eye on your sister Maisie. I know I'll always have you looking down on me. Keep me safe my dear. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you safe. I will love you forever. There will always be a hole in my heart where you once were. Sincerely, your mommy, Tara Ann Cohan."

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