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All Derek wanted for her was a better life, one that wouldn't involve having to hide all the time, that wouldn't involve a constant fear of being killed

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All Derek wanted for her was a better life, one that wouldn't involve having to hide all the time, that wouldn't involve a constant fear of being killed. He wasn't strong enough to protect her, after all, if he couldn't keep one secret that would protect his family how was he supposed to keep one woman safe. He thought of so many excuses of why he didn't want to be with her but none of them were true. Not that any of them would be. But he couldn't say that he didn't love her anymore, or that he is disgusted when he sees her, that he couldn't stand to be with her any longer. Because it would be a total lie, he knows it would destroy her to hear that from him. She had worked so hard to break down his walls, to give in to her, to let her help him, and finally, he did. But it was then when he realized that he would never be able to protect her from any of the challenges that he faced, he couldn't protect his family, he could barely protect himself.

So he said that she was too clingy. Always wanting him to let her go with him where ever he went. Always wanting to know what's happening. That you never gave him space to think, that you never gave him space period. Always telling him how to treat the other pack members. Always this and that, he feels like he's always doing something wrong.

But this was so far from the truth he didn't even think you would believe it. That maybe you would realize what he was doing and confront him. Tell him that he's lying and that you always give him space. And you do not push him to tell you what's wrong. Sure you told him to lighten up on Scott and his pack because they are just kids, trying to figure out what to do. And he did because you were right. You knew what to do, that would always help him. And this time he was trying to return the favor. He wanted a better life for you and this is the way that he chose to do it. You saved his life, now he was saving yours.

His heart broke when he saw the tears in your eyes. You didn't fight him like he'd hope, you didn't prove him wrong. You tried to speak but you couldn't, you wanted to yell, to scream, to hit him but what would that do? He didn't love you anymore. He didn't have to say it. You could tell by that way he acted, it was over. After everything, you two had been through. It's all gone.

All he wanted to do was to take you into his arms and beg for forgiveness. To take back what he had just said, and promise to never let you go, that he would never do this again, that he wouldn't hurt you. But he couldn't because before he could do anything you were gone.

As Derek looks away from the girls he loves as his uncle's hands run all over her body. As he pretends not to see her silent pleas for help. You've asked him to stop but all he does is dig his hands deeper into your body. As time moves on Peter begins to become braver and places his hands lower and lower on the girl that is-used to be his. He can feel her glances burn into the back of his head. She still loves him after all he's done. He didn't want this, he didn't know that his uncle would practically jump on you once he heard that you and Derek were no longer together. He knows that you can't do anything against Peter because he will overpower you no matter what. After Peters'hands roam to far, her pleading glances turn to stares and Derek finally says something. But to your displeasure it's nothing that will change anything.

"Peter just leave her alone" He says and walks out of the room. Your thoughts flood to what Peter will do now that Derek's gone.

Your eyes fly to Peter's and to your horror are burning a deep, dark, bloody red. You scream for Derek but not seconds after you are thrown into an unending amount of darkness and pain.


As you awake into consciousness, your senses come back before your eye sight does. You feel around and your fingertips brush up against the soft fabric of sheets and your head against a soft pillow. A familiar smell fills the air around you. It reminds you of the thing you miss the most. The person you miss the most. Your eyes fly open and you look around to what could remind you of him. Looking down you realize that you are in his bed. Which means that you are in his Loft. Your eyes widen and you wince as you sit up and move your arms but none the less you push the covers off and make your way out of his bed. But before you could even take a step your legs buckle and you cringe waiting for the impact that never comes. You feel a pair of muscular arms wrap around you and pull you back on the bed. You try to break free from them but your locked in their iron grip. You can feel the tears roll down your cheeks.

"Hey, hey y/n your alright, your safe."

You stop struggling once you hear his voice in your ear.

"Derek? What happened?" You whisper as you turn around facing him.

"It's going to be okay. I'm going to be here for you through everything, you're not going to have to worry about it you're not going to be in any pain I promise. I'm never going to leave you again."

You guide his head to yours and kiss him. You pull away and give him a confused look.

"What do you mean I won't be in any pain?" You say brows drawn together and rest your hand on his neck. He pulled me into his lap his face full of regret. He sighed.

"Derek what's going on?"

"Peter, he gave you the bite."

I looked at him in shock. "W-what no! That can't be why would he do that? It's not possible you're just saying that to get me to come back to you!" You shouted and jump off his lap and try to get away from him before your legs gave out and you grab the pillar.

Derek rushes over to you. "Y/n your going to be okay I promise. I promise baby that we are going to get through this together."

You legs give out and you sink to the ground. Sobs rake through your body.

Why would Peter do this to me? What could he possibly get from this?

"Derek I'm scared, what if Peter comes after me like he did with Scott? What if I can't control myself? Scott was practically drawn to him. Derek you can't let me go to him!"

"Y/n, look at me. Look at me sweetheart." He says softly.

You bring your eyes up to his.

"I will never let him touch you again, certainly not be alone with him. Y/n Y/l/n I love you and I promise for the rest of my life I will protect you. Even if that means an unending amount of torture, an unending amount of pain. I will give my life for you. I am never going to lose you again. "

You look up at him in shock, that was the most loving thing that cold hearted sourwolf has ever said. You wipe the tears off of your cheeks and beam up at him.

"Derek Hale I love you." As soon as he hears this he immediately leans down and kiss' you. The kiss is full of desperation, longing and most of all love.

For you know that everything is going to be alright. You don't have to be afraid of the future because you won't be going through this alone. You have the man you love back in your arms. He is going to help you through this and you two are going to make it though.

Because with each other anything is possible. 


Omg the end is SOOOO CHEESY!!!!!! But I hope you like it anyway!!

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