Chapter 2: Inside The Mind of A Genious

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Blackhat's head hurt. He felt nauseous, as if the world around him was spinning fast and he was perfectly still. He opened his eyes slowly only to be met with a blinding blue colour. There was movement on the ground next to him, a shuffle and a groan as the other person sat up next to him with a gasp, also quite clearly shocked at what he was seeing.
They both sat in awe for a few seconds as they stared up at the sky around them. Giant bottles filled with a bright blue liquid flew around them in a continuous loop, each labelled with different things.
Cure for sadness
Cure for loneliness
Cure for pain
"Where are we?" Blackhat asked in the quietest voice Flug had ever heard from him.
"In my world, I think..."
Flug had never felt so vulnerable.
"I think we should get out of here..."
Blackhat furrowed his brows in frustration.
"Actually I think we should wait until either 5.0.5 or Demencia find out we're gone!!"
Flug sighed softly as a smaller bottle drifted down into his hand and he looked at it while rubbing a thumb along the label.
Blackhat could make out the words 'cure for heartbreak' written shakily on it, and he wondered what kind of face Flug was making beneath his paper bag right then.
"I know, just not here...please?"
Blackhat usually wouldn't have bothered to waste his time with something like this. He would stay put like the terribly stubborn person he was, or insult Flug for being so difficult. This was all his fault anyway!!
However, something in Flug's tone of voice made him hesitate. Something he'd only ever heard once before.


If there was one thing that devious man was good at, it was getting around without being seen. Being able to manipulate the shadows, and shape shift as he pleased, Blackhat felt like he could do anything and everything. He was truly powerful, and he liked the feeling. However, the most he'd really do would commit petty crimes such as theft and to play the occasional prank on the townsfolk. He extended a limb from the shadows and snatched an apple from an old woman's shopping trolly. She gasped in surprise as she watched the shadowy hand appearing seemingly out of nowhere pick up the apple and pull it into the darkness. She ran away screaming something about monsters and witchcraft and Blackhat couldn't help but laugh. How ridiculous.
The villain navigated his way through the back alleys, a different route to his home than the usual, but a change was always pleasant. He took a huge bite from the apple with his huge, green and slimy teeth and threw the core behind him, hearing it hit a trash can and scare a wild cat away. He was certainly on a roll today. The cat's screeches soon faded away and was replaced with something else nearby. The sound of whimpering. Blackhat wasn't all too interested at first, but the thought of tormenting an already tormented soul sounded like a bit of fun. He slipped into the shadows and stalked the sound closely, turning corners and listening out for it getting closer and closer. Another sound caught his attention. It sounded like someone was making threats. Interesting, saying as you rarely heard of conflict happening in this part of town. Another turn around a corner presented him with a worrying sight. A man with a paper bag over his head, being held at gunpoint by who seemed like a robber. What an unprofessional daylight robbery.
The man being threatened trembled badly, he didn't look like a criminal, but it seemed the other man thought he was.
"I swear! I'm not a gang member, I don't have anything on me!" he cried. He was quite obviously fearing his life and Blackhat wondered if he should even bother intervening. Its not every day you see something like this happen.
"Don't give me that bullshit! That's why you're hiding your face, right? now hand over the cash! I know one of your guys took it!"
The shorter man still insisted that he had no clue what the other was talking about but it didn't seem to be convincing him at all. Within seconds he tried a different approach, grabbed the paper bag from his head and punched him so hard in the face that he fell to the ground with a thud.
The robber was towering over him with the gun now, and he looked like he was so close to shooting.
Blackhat shook his head. The shorter man obviously didn't know how to fend for himself, and he'd be seeing nothing interesting here other than the murder of an innocent man, which is kind of boring frankly. He had to step in.
Just before the trigger was pulled Blackhat lunged out of the shadows and wrestled the gun from the criminal's grasp. He danced the gun around him playfully, as if it was being held by a ghost, and he wasted no time running away from the scene, screaming like the baby he really was.
"Well that's done with...I was expecting him to put up more of a fight," Blackhat frowned, clearly disappointed by the criminal's lack of confidence. Humans.
The man on the floor was still shaking, and he kept his eyes on Blackhat as he nervously reached for the paper bag and put it over his head once more.
"A...are you...a monster?" he asked in a terrified tone.
Blackhat laughed in response which sent an intense wave of shock to travel down his spine.
"What! of course I am!! ever seen a human with teeth as sharp as these?!"
The man didn't know how to react.
"Anyway, stand up!! you look so weak sat like that!"
And he did stand up.
"um...whats your name?"
"Look, introductions aren't my thing, kid!" Blackhat raised an eyebrow "but saying as nobody has ever bothered to ask me before, its Blackhat!"
" name's Flug,"
"Flug!! parents and their baby names these days! Well it was nice meeting you..'Flug'"
There was an awkward silence, Flug stood there awkwardly with his hands behind his back until the strange demon was about to turn to leave.
"wait!" Blackhat stopped, and turned slightly, obviously disinterested in continuing the conversation.
"is there anything i can do to thank you?"
Blackhat thought for a moment. Was there something he needed? A little help with his villainy would be pretty nice, he had been pretty bored of just stealing for a long while already...
"What can you do?"
"well a scientist?"

Flug soon began to work for Blackhat, making inventions for him to sell and use against his own enemies. It didn't take long for his new boss to find out Flug was homeless, and despite his mean nature, he wasted no time giving him a place to stay in his own house.
And things kind of just grew from there...Demencia joining the crew, the creation of 5.0.5. Despite the abuse they'd all receive from Blackhat sometimes, it was as close to a family Flug had ever gotten to and he was comfortable. Things looked okay for once.


Blackhat pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed with fake frustration.
"Alright, Flug. Let's go"
The tall man grabbed the scientist's gloved hand and pulled him up from the cold, blue tiled flooring. Flug kept his head down as they navigated through the sky of depressing looking bottles and vials, but he was glad they were finally getting out of there. Yet an overwhelming sense of dread piled up inside his stomach in fear of what else was up ahead.

In my heart, in my head [PaperHat]Where stories live. Discover now