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There are different kinds of falling. There's that good kind, like when you're in love. Unfortunately, I was dealing with the bad kind. The actual falling kind.

You know, like the ones in my dreams. The ones where I'm about to die, then I wake up.

But this was real. At least, I assumed it was real. I had a feeling I would find out soon.

I looked ahead, and all I saw was a dark void. There was no one there but me.

My long hair was flying out behind me. Wind slammed against my face, forcing me to squint.

I shook myself and tried to focuse on my surroundings. Where am I? How did I get here?

It definitely wasn't because I had fallen through the ground, like in that nightmare. No, it couldn't have been.

I remember going to high school, but strangely, the rest is a blur.

I noticed that I was dropping down headfirst, and quickly reposition myself. Wouldn't want an accident, would we? Seriously, that would've been gross.

Desperate for help, I cried out in panic. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Well that was pointless. I was alone, and dropping from the sky at a high speed. Nobody was coming to rescue me.

This can't be real, I thought. It must all be a dream.

That's what you said in your dreams, a voice in my head interrupted. Then you'd always wake up.
Not today.

Seriously, brain? Shut up!

I just hoped that I was headed for water, and not some rough land.

I tried to think deeply about how I had got here, but remembered nothing except entering Metta High. Darn it, I thought. All I could remember was leaving Eliza and entering class.


The name of my only sister flashed in my mind. Was she OK? Where was she right now? I didn't want to leave her, but as I got closer to my death, I knew that I may have to.

I should have formally said goodbye to her. Maybe even a, "You go, and you wreck that classroom, girl!" Now, I was gonna die, and I'd never see her smile and hear her laugh again.

I know I sound sentimental. What can I say, I watch soap operas in my freetime. At least, when I'm not being pressured to look my best.

I sighed. Just when I had thought it couldn't get any worse, I heard noise that sounded pretty close to me. I knew it wasn't the wind, it was much louder than that.

But I had no clue what it could've been.

Looking up, I see a shadow of a figure aproaching me. At least, a shadow lighter than all this darkness and abyss. It spun around as it headed towards me.

Its legs kicked and moved much more skillfully than my flapping ones. I try to float, or in my case, wiggle away, hoping to escape this monster, but it was fast.

Much faster than anyone I had ever seen.

This little chase went on for a minute. It could've been an hour. I have no idea. I guess time flies when you're trying to escape death.

I wheezed heavily. I was getting more and more tired. Soon, I couldn't think about anything else other than how weary I was.

My legs felt like concrete. My arms were turning into stone.

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