In the underground

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      (Ok this is a now in the future ver. So don't get onto me)

      Another day. You had just gotten home from work (Make it up) and sat down and watched some T.V.. You are now 26 years of age and had gotten out of collage years before. So, one day you had this thought. 'Hey! I think Imma go climb dat mountain dat I live close to!'. But, little did you know............Your life would change that day........

     You had just arrived at the mountain. "Finally! I'm here after who knows how many hours of walking!" You say to yourself. You started climbing, and reached a cave. "What the fu** is that?" You asked yourself has you look into a hole. *Crack*  "Huh?!" *Crumble*  *Fall*  You screamed as you tried to grab the top of the hole. But you missed. You passed out from fear.

"Ugggghhhhh my head" You said as you wake up. "Wait....WHERE AM I AND WHY AM I NOT DEAD?!" You said as the memories flood back. You look over and see you're laying on a thing of now smashed flowers. "Did....Did they break my fall? Wow, magical flowers" You try and sit up but lay back down because of the pain. After about an hour or so you decide to try and sit up again, and you got up that time. You stand up and walk, till you reach a large door which-being the human you were- decided to go though it.

    You see a weird look creature. 'Half dog half cat?' You thought. And just then, it spoke. "HoI I TEmMie! TemMIe dA tEM!" "HmM yoU'Re NEw tO dE UndErGroUnd, AreN'T ChA? GoLLy, SomOnE AugHt To shOW Ya, hOw DinGS WoRk doWN HerE!" It sighs "GuEss WiTTle wiLL HavE To dO!" A sound plays, and you have a heart floating in front of you, it was half red and half....dull. Temmie looks a bit shocked, but still speaks. "YoU SeE DaT DINg riGhT DAre? DaT Is yOUr soUL! Da veRy DInG Of yoUR BEinG!"

                                           ~SMAL TEM SKOOP!~

Temmie was hit my a fire ball and they flew towards the wall. A goat man walked in front of you. You were still frozen in fear. The goat man introduced himself as Asgore Dreemer. You decided to trust him because his posture was peaceful and he seemed no harm to you. You both got though the puzzles ok, and he handed you a cell phone. You took it because yours had broken due to the fall.

     "Please, Asgore! I don't want to hurt you!" You said as more fireballs headed toward you. You pressed the MERCY button one last time, and the fight stopped. He told you to be careful out there and hugged you. You hugged back. Asgore walked away, and looked at you one more time. You could feel the tears forming in the corner of your eyes, but you held them in. You opened the large door in front of you, only to be met by cold and snow. And it was at the second, you knew, your adventure had just begun.

            (Wow....just wow. I'm proud of myself for getting this story started and adding two chapters and one day-Err-night. But BAM! Two chapters in one day! So if you read all the way up to here. Be proud! AND AS ALWAYS! STAY  DETERMINED AND STAY ALIVE MEH HOMMIES!)

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