Beginning of the end

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Weeks had past my wound had healed and scared. I even begun training in the art of stealth hunting with Aella and heavy armory with Farkas, I had practically mastered both... I could kill a buck over 50 yards away wearing clunky armor and not even make a sound.

"Lass you've learnt well and provide a lot of profit for the hall whilst hunting in the valley... a fine Circle member you've made."

​"Thank you Kodlak, it means the world to hear that from you. I think I'm ready to start going on my own..."

​"Cosette... I feel and know your heart is in the right place, but it is near impossible to track that nest... I ask you stay and be a part of the hall, that is until we catch word of the nest resurfacing"

He was right; I couldn't do it by myself... considering that wolf could come back if I did find it. But what now? Did I really need to subject myself to mere jobs? I don't know... perhaps I could use the money for some better weapons, yet... I could return home to father's hidden armory.

​"Kodlak... I know where I need to go first."

​"And where might that be?"

I sighed before answering. "My home... there are, things I need from there."

​"Take the boys with you... it could be dangerous."

​"I'll take Farkas, Vilkas can sit and pout"

​"Lass... take both boys. Together they are the strongest warriors."

I groaned but eventually agreed, so I decided to meet them at the stables outside the city. I watched as they approached from afar Farkas had flagged my attention by waving at my eyes. Arvak had begun nudging me impatiently.

​"By the nine... what is that thing!?"

Vilkas drew his sword pointing it at Arvak, in the heated moment I threw a small dagger towards him managing to graze his cheek.
​"What the hell was that for?!"

​"This thing! Is my father's horse passed to me! And if you threaten a beloved friend then you cross swords with me! Is that understood you bastard?!"

His eyes widened but he sheathed his sword and mounted his horse as did Farkas. We began our day ride home, home... a word I didn't think I would use again. We road along the east side of the valley towards Falkreath, night was heavy on our shoulders and the sounds of the horses trotting echoed along the road. I turned back to see both brothers gazing at the night sky, I couldn't blame them... the moon had almost covered the entire sky with its light and size, and the stars watched over us... I wonder if my father was watching.

​"Watch yourselves! There's a dragon flying to the west."

I looked back to the sky to see a shadow moving across the sight... covering the stars with its body. Twas a dragon alright; and an Elder to be exact... was best to pick up the pace and keep moving. Soon enough we came to Lake Ilinalta, and just across the way perched on a small ledge along the path on the other side was home....

​"That's your house lass?"

​"Aye... that's home..."

The trees we still cut away on the flatter land by the water for Odahviing to land when called. I sighed and kicked Arvak onward to swim across the lake.

​"Lass! What are you doing?!"

​"Going over there Vilkas, what does it look like?"

​"Cosette, maybe we should go around, our armor could get damaged..."

​"Farkas... this is the fastest way, trust me..."

The brothers looked at each other and groaned as they and their horses plunged into the water following my wake. We emerged on the other side and quickly dismounted, unsaddling the horses and exploring the land around the house.

Torn between love and family.... Vilkas x Cosette lemon (warning, rape involved)Where stories live. Discover now