Test of bonds

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Soon within my sleep I heard the padlock creaking... slowly lifting myself off of Vilkas I reached for my Daedric dagger and crept my way to the inner balcony to gaze downstairs.. vampires...! Blood boiled in my ears as I prepared myself for a silent attack. Pushing myself forward I was suddenly grabbed from my waist and my mouth had been covered by a cold hand... I began squirming as much as I could against my captor but it seemed hopeless, I was dragged me outside, tied up and tossed beside a wagon.  My wrists tied behind my back, ankles bound together and a ragged tied over my mouth. These filthy bloodsuckers... I'd kill every single one of them... damn if only Vilkas was awake.

"What shall we do with the girl, Emeri has long since been waiting for her..."

Emeri..? Could that be the master Vampire of this clan?

"We need to move her now... I smell a wolf nearby..."

"That's impossible, whiterun is past the mountain.... there is no way one of those beasts could be here..."

What did they mean?! What beast is it that they were talking about? Then a ferocious growl the bloodsuckers turned towards my home, there stood a menacing werewolf upon the balcony on the west side... its eyes piercing my soul as it eyed the vampires.

"I knew I smelt dog! No matter it is the three of us against you beast!"

"Have at you!!"

The vampire lunged towards the beast with a silver sword held above his head, I watched aimlessly onward as the beast stood still sizing up the bloodsucker. In a swift motion it dodged the strike with the ease of a warrior! Soon the other lunged from behind and the wolf grabbed him mid air holding onto him by the throat.

"Netheri help me! Please...!"

The vampire called out to the other two before the wolf had snapped his head clean off from his shoulders, I shuttered it couldn't be... it was the same wolf that I encountered before..! Lowering onto all fours it's stalked towards us mouth agape and growling... its eyes fixated onto me and the others, was there no stopping it?!  I had to get out of here... I pulled and tugged at my ropes, finding my dagger nearby me I grabbed it and cut my bindings. I tried to run but was caught by one of them.. the wolf lunged at us but stopped cold in its tracks.

"Listen here wolf! We know she smells of you!!! If you care, you'll shift back and I won't cut her throat out!"

Smelt of it.. how on nirn did I smell of it?!

"Dammit wolf head my words I'll cut your mate up like a swine!!!"


His knife drew right against my skin cutting me softly, I winced slightly... watching the giant wolf it groaned sadly... I watched it's body contort and pull as the wolfish features shredded away to show white Nordic skin...
It's mane shrunk down to dark brown hair, the man kneeling before us was carved and toned well in muscle with a familiar stature... slowly he raised his head to meet my eyes, oh gods..! VILKAS?!

Vilkas's POV

She just stared at me in disbelief, damn this filthy curse... her eyes couldn't look away from mine, and my voice couldn't find the courage to speak...

"Let's get out of here before the guard of falkreath come because of him!"

They began to haul her away and onto a carriage.. I lunged forward but was kicked back by the vile thing and held to the ground as I was chained up holding me back from getting to her.


She didn't even speak a word, they then hauled me onto the carriage with her... I longed for her to say anything to me, but her expression was clouded with disappointment and betrayal. It pained me deeply... Long into the night we rode along the roads... and with each aching moment I kept my eyes on her, waiting for the chance she would speak to me....

Torn between love and family.... Vilkas x Cosette lemon (warning, rape involved)Where stories live. Discover now