Days with Death

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Vilkas' POV

it had been days since we were taken, Cosette was kept chained to a bed and I chained next to her... that sick bastard allowed I lay next to my mate but when he came around I was forced to watch helplessly... she lay beside me back against my chest, her pale skin covered in goosebumps from terror... poor thing, I looked over her carefully examining each and every bruise that he had left on her. I felt my blood rise at the thought, I had to get us out.


"You understand what I need from you right?"

"Oh my apologies, I must've forgot the part about killing someone so you filth can feed!"

The master vampire kicked me in my ribs forcing me onto my back... vile thing, I would not kill innocent for the undead not in a lifetime!

"Vilkas my dear faithful companion... you must do us this favour..."

I spat blood at his feet, "and why should I abomination?"

He laughed and motioned two others to come forward, they both moved slowly holding Cosette... my heart stopped, I didn't think he was actually serious about using her against me.

"Do you want her to be hurt..? Because I can make her hurt.."

Before I could answer he grabbed her by the throat and tossed her onto the ground, she cried out my name has he straddled her forcing his hands tighter around her..!


I watched as the light began to leave her eyes! He loosened his grip and took a dagger to her chest slowly cutting along her delicate skin... the blood was boiling in my ears...


Everyone watched when my face fell to the floor, I was no longer free... I was no longer ruled by my own self... I can't bare to call myself a companion now...

"I'll do it.. just please... let her go..."

(Present time)

I still remember that night, that poor family... and the child... gods I hadn't felt this kind of remorse since when I first turned, it had taken years to control my beastly urges; and now, they are being used against me... to keep her alive. My ears had suddenly picked up footsteps approaching the corridor we were in, shifting I grabbed Cosette and held her dear to my body... I watched the woman approach, her golden brown locks bounced with her hushed steps... her skin was almost ivory and shun even in the dim lit cave, she smiled at me and raised her delicate hands up showing she meant no harm. I didn't buy it... I let off a warning growl and she stood still, I could feel Cosette shiver against me as fear began to seep into her body...

"Please I don't intend to harm either of you especially not my daughter..."

DAUGHTER?! no way... it couldn't be, she can't be her mother... no clan would let a mortal live this long and turn them... I shifted back still keeping my arms tight.

"There is no way you are her mother... vampires never take a captive into their own..."

"I assure you I am her mother, my name is Almera..."

Aye.. that was her, I remember my juvenile years at the hall seeing her visit from time to time with Lucian, she would always bring the freshest venison kill for everyone.... she smiled when she noticed my face lost in thought.

"And I remember you Vilkas... one of the two ruffians of the hall, I hope you and your sweet brother have grown out of causing trouble for poor Skjor."

Torn between love and family.... Vilkas x Cosette lemon (warning, rape involved)Where stories live. Discover now