4. Laundry Room

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-Chris' POV –

I woke up with a headache and I knew I couldn't go back to sleep. I wanted to, but once I saw the time I knew my aunt wouldn't let me if I tried. It was already noon. Man I knew I should have slept at my grandparents' house. They wouldn't care what time I chose to get up. Clark's mom, Adelina, was just too controlling to let anyone sleep their days away. After that interesting party last night all I wanted to do was sleep so I could escape and not have to think about it.

I threw the warm covers aside and got up, stretching out my sore limbs. There was a lot of popping in my bones before I opened the door and headed to the kitchen. I could smell the delicious food my aunt was already making.

She gave me a warm motherly smile as soon as I walked in. "How did you sleep darling?"

I hopped onto the seat next to my little five year old cousin who was playing Mario on a PSP. "It was good. Sorry I woke up so late."

My aunt waved her hand in the air to dismiss my comment. "You looked like you needed more sleep. You were tossing and turning when I last checked on you."

Really? She still checks up on me. "Yeah, thanks." What else was I supposed to say, 'Creeper'?

Aunt Adelina took out a plate and poured me some soup. "Here, eat."

I didn't object. My stomach was growling and it smelt amazing.

She went around the counter and grabbed her keys from the hook it was on. Then she made her way to Natalie, my cousin next to me, and kissed her cheek.

"Okay baby, remember to be good when you get to Laura's house. Don't be a nuisance and maybe she'll let you come over more."

Natalie gave her mom the most angelic smile. I remembered when I used to use that smile on my own mother. I got away with so much with it too.

"Okay mom," she paused for a moment. "What's a noo-sin?"

"It means a troublemaker, Natie. Don't get into trouble." I clarified.

"Yes, like your cousin Chris," Aunt Adelina smirked at me. She was always the playful, carefree aunt when she wanted to be.

"No it's more like her brother Clark."

Aunt Adelina shook her head then pulled on a coat. "Okay I have to go kids. Be good." She was out the door in seconds. I ate the soup and was thankful it was enough to stop my stomach from growling.

Clark came down the stairs a few minutes after wearing his favorite, 'lucky' so he called, plaid shirt. He went straight to Natalie and picked her up off the stool to set her down.

"Go get ready to leave, Natie."

Natalie rushed off, her shinny brown curls bouncing on her way. Clark then straightened and turned to give me a deep intense glare. What was his problem today?

"Why are you giving me that look?" I got up to set the plate inside the sink.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you insult Laura like that?" He was pissed.

I never understood their relationship. Why did he like her so much? I couldn't stand her... most of the time.

"She deserved it."

"What the heck did she ever do to you? You don't even know her well enough to judge. You've spoken like what 5 sentences to her your entire life."

Why was he defending her? "She's not what you think she is."

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