Every moment. Is so unique. And everyone experiences it in a different way. In this moment, someone just got married. Someone else just died. Someone found their phone in between the cushions of the couch. Everyone is doing something. And every once in a while in life, there comes a person that shakes things up a bit. And upon meeting them you realize, that you want to spend every moment with them. Despite the differences. Despite what the world will say. You want to share a moment. And every moment. With said person. Isn't that amazing? That the human body can just have so much feeling and care for a whole other person. Well. She met a person. Many sunrises ago. And she knew upon meeting him, that she wanted to spend the rest of her moments with him. But she kept her mouth shut. She lived in fear of what he thought, because she cared too much. She lives in the doubt of anything ever happening. So she never said anything. And he would never know. Unless he read this. And even then. He wouldn't want it to be about him. Or would he? She would never know. And she lived in the mindset of being okay with that. Because she didn't want to lose him. So she remained to keep her mouth shut. And continued to live the moments by herself. Just living in the daydream and wondering what it would be like, to share the moments. With him.