The old vintage man

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       Park Jimin was a 23 year old college graduate with little friends. He lived alone in his apartment still searching for purpose. He had White silver hair and pink lips. Park Jimin was a guy to make all the girls want him and the straight guys gay for him. But, Jimin was more of a bridesmaid but never a bride no matter how much he tried to meet someone new, He would always blow it off and he never knew why.

       Jimin was working in a store at midnight. It was normal that he would choose the night shifts only to avoid random stangers asking him to smile for the camera. Working nightshifts made all of the teen girls who would follow him for his looks stay home since they all had a curfew. Besides, working at night in the store had a slow rate of customers running in and out which made things easy for him not to stress.

       "I can't wait to go home already... To no one but my bed... Ugh I really need someone. I want to hug someone to sleep with me." Jimin sighed playing with a pencil laying his head next to the cash register. No one else picked the nightshift duties since everyone in the town would say there's a legend of a vampire who lives at the top of the mountains beyond the forest who preys on living souls and would capture the people at midnight when the clock striked 12am. Jimin thought the legend was absurd because if there really was a vampire why didn't they send an investigation team to look where the Vampire dwells? Besides, at this moment in time Jimin wouldn't care if a vampire was to run up to him and suck his blood. Nothing interesting happened in his life so most of the time he would say Heck with it!

      However, Jimin would have those feelings of fright. "What if there really was a vampire? What if the vampire came to really get me?" but then, Jimin would laugh it off on his own and wouldn't care about the Vampire even if it was real.

       Jimin glanced at the clock. 3am already. A co-worker would come and take over the shift. Jimin worked from 12am to 3am since no one else chose those times because of the spooky 'legend' in town. What a joke.

       "Hey Jimin! I'm right on time now! You can go home buddy." the  perky co-worker walked in and dropped their bag next to the cash register.

      "Thankyou." Jimin smiled walking out with his work bag and running home.

      Jimin's job was the same. He also worked in the day from 8am to 4pm and his night shifts from 12am to 3am. Of course in the daytime he had co workers helping him throughout the day but at night he was alone.

       One day Jimin walked to work. His nightshift duty of course.

      Jimin's P.O.V
    I walked to work at a cold Midnight. The only light that was available to me was the flickering street lights. I won't be scared if I run into a pervert who will try to rape me because that is very common to the point where I can guess where and when they will pop up and try to make a pick-up line. I guess I was irresistible?

       On my way to the corner store (where I worked) I felt an erie feeling of someone staring at me. Yup, these desperate people were everywhere! I turned around to see who it was and to my surprise it was a tall man in a brown coat and a black fedora this man looked old. Grey hairs and one monocle that gave him a very vintage look. He looked like an old butler.

       I gave him no time of day and resumed walking to my job. I was aware to not show him any fear so when I arrived to the store I quickly walked in and ran behind cash register safely. I was safe. Or so I thought... The old man walked into the store keeping his head down and walking into the chip aisle. Maybe he was hungry? Moments later he came back to the register with Shampoo, towels, chips, razors, shaving cream, blankets, haircombs, and toothbrush with toothpaste. Maybe he wasn't after me?

       "Hello. Would this be all?" I asked feeling a bit nervous.

      "Indeed, ol' sport." The man responded in a British accent his voice was raspy. The choice of words sounded outdated. He looked up revealing his face, The man had amber eyes, grey hair, a grey mustache and a monocle. This old man really looked like a butler A type of vintage butler from the 1920s or even earlier!

     I told him the price and he pulled out his wallet and payed for it all. Without hassle, he carried the items out safely he was surprisingly strong for his age. Luckily, he left and when I checked out the window he was gone! Within seconds!! It was impossible I would have seen him walk away the second he left but since he was gone I felt relieved.

      Soon my co-worker, Jisoo arrived to take over the shift that started at 3am. I told her everything about what went down. "An old man? No he didn't leave he's outside by the stop sign. He's very kind he told me about you. He said you were special."

      I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Me special? That was a whole new level of creepy! I just wanted to go home. I grabbed my work backpack and left the store walking home.

       I looked back the whole time rarely paying attention to the front of me when the old man stepped in front of me stopping me completely..

       "What do you want?" I asked clenching my fist in anger. I had enough of this guy keeping me from going home.

        "Park Jimin." He whispered.

       "How do you know my name?!" I shouted walking back ready to run back to Jisoo.

        "You are Special aren't you ol' sport? Master will find you very intriguing."

        "Excuse me?!" I yelled.

        "Gaze into my eyes ol' sport.." the old man's amber eyes began to glow suddenly I felt dizzy and collapsed. Not feeling a thing...just silence....

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