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Jimin stood outside of the balcony getting his daily sunlight. It wasn't much sunlight the clouds were grey it was bound to rain soon. Jungkook was sitting on the one seat leathered couch reading his big old book. Jimin looked at his dress he still had on. "Jungkook... Why do I have to wear these dresses?"

"Is there a problem with it?" Jungkook scanned the page of the book.

"No I just think it's pointless to wear this..."

"He won't track down your scent because the only scent he can pick up right about now is mines. That dress used to be mines."

Jimin turned around looking at Jungkook. "What?"

"It's true," Jungkook flipped a page. "My mother had dresses and hoped to someday give them to me if I was a girl but when I was born, I was a boy. When Taehyung made me into a blood sucking demon... My family realized I was a demon of some sort and feared me. The only way for me to show I would never hurt them was to wear my mom's dresses to make it seem like I was just as I was before. Tamed. My scent still remained on those dresses. This was pointless because later Taehyung came to bite them all... My family... The workers... Everyone and this caused attention to the town folk and that's how they killed everyone. Blah blah blah.." Jungkook sighed. "You get the gist.."

"Can't you get rid of Taehyung?"

"No can do."

"Why not?"

"Reasons..." Jungkook placed his hand over his bite mark.

"But that doesn't mean anything he just turned you into a monster thats all... It's not like an engagement ring.."

"If only you knew..." Jungkook closed his book and poked his hand out of the balcony the skies became dark. "I need to go hunting.. I'll be right back and you know the drill don't you ever walk out." Jungkook walked over to the door and left Jimin isolated in the room.

Jungkook locked the door and turned around seeing Taehyung sitting on the rails of the stairs. "You stay in that room all day baby~" He acted like he never knew Jimin was in there.

"I have my reasons." Jungkook walked down the steps.

"Han went hunting... We are alone now... How about I give you a good time?~" Taehyung hugged Jungkook from the back stopping him at the stairs.

"No." Jungkook tried to free himself.

"Let's see... Do I still claim you?" Taehyung pulled down the black sweaters turtle neck that covered a fang mark. "Oh right! I claimed you when I made you.."

"Shut up." Jungkook shoved Taehyung and continued to walk down adjusting the collar on his turtle neck sweater.

"I own you." Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's wrist and made him come to a stop. "Yes I do~" Taehyung gently kissed Jungkooks neck intertwining his cold hands with the other.

Jungkook gasped and pulled away. "Go home already!" Jungkook covered his neck and marched down the steps in anger.

"Better hurry if you want to hunt, babe~" Taehyung smiled once Jungkook left and ran up the steps of the stairs. He stood infront of Jungkook's door, he brought his right hand over his face and opened the door without a hassle. Taehyung still had his face covered.

The room was dark, the light wouldn't turn on due to the storm that suddenly struck the power. Jimin couldn't see a thing. "Jimin?" he heard Jungkook's voice from infront of the room.

"Jungkook! Why is it dark?"

"Power outage I believe..." Taehyung smiled he loved to tease Jimin like this.

"I thought you went hunting.." Jimin sat on the ground playing with the hem of the balcony curtains. The black curtains blocked the light from coming in the room. Jimin was in the dark as always.

"Han went for me... He'll bring me something." Taehyung walked over to Jimin and sat behind him hugging him and pressing him on his chest.

"Jungkook... Not now~" Jimin layed on the imposters chest.

"Jimin... Have I ever claimed you before?" the impersonator rested his chin on Jimin's shoulder.

"No... What is that?"

"It's a thing we vampires do to claim our loved ones it's a romamtic gesture. Just like promise rings. Do you want me to give you one?"

"Jungkook....I don't know.."

"Come here." the faker stood up and took Jimin out of the room.

"N-no! What about...him..." Jimin struggled to leave the room door.

"He left. Quickly now I want you to hurry!" he led Jimin to the center of the second floor and looked around. It was raining tough outside, the mansions light's were out leaving it to complete darkness.

"Jungkook? Why do you want to claim me... Weren't we as good as we were before?"

'Jungkook' turned around and pulled Jimin close. "Romantic gesture."

Jimin smiled and kissed the fake. Taehyung was surprised, so they really were something, Jungkook and Jimin were really together..

"Kiss me more, Jimin." The fake smiled pressing Jimin's body on the second floor's rails. Jimin continued the kiss panting in between. Taehyung felt Jungkook approaching and decided it was time. The only light that filled the room was the lightning that striked followed by roaring thunder. Taehyung continued telling Jimin to kiss him and the poor boy believed him. Taehyung covered the humans eyes and whispered to him to keep them shut to 'claim him' Jungkook walked into the house and saw Jimin all over Taehyung! Durring the illusion Taehyung only looks and sounds like Jungkook in Jimin's mind but to others, he was just Taehyung.

"Jimin... Sto-" Taehyung lied making it seem Jimin did it all on his own. Once Taehyung pulled away Jungkook was staring up at them. "Jungkook!"

Jimin's eyes widened and pulled away quickly finding Taehyung was in his arms. Completely snapping out of Taehyung's trance, he saw Jungkook down on the first floor.

"Jimin...why..." Jungkook looked at the ground feeling hurt.

"I-I Jungkook! H-he tri-" Taehyung covered Jimin's mouth.

"Jungkook, honestly you know how humans are.. But I wouldn't mind taking him off your hands if you'd like.." Taehyung smirked.

"Let him go Taehyung." Jungkook started sprinting up the stairs.

"Step any closer and I claim him. You know how that works right?" Taehyung kissed the vulnerable human again. Jimin whimpered squirming around.
"Look, Jungkook. Hes just like you..."

Bite Me | Jikook Vampire AU | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now