England was only finally settling in with his newly acquired and odd family-- and his appearance had begun to mature. He looked to be 10 years of age, and he’d made acquaintances with a young french idiot and spanish airhead. Boo-hoo. He enjoyed their company none-the-less, they showered him with endless wisdom and folly. And even then, he was still under the wing of Cedric and Jess. The blonde had taught him how to defend himself with every weapon type and how to read, while the male had taught him mannerism and politics. You could he was widely cultured. Especially with so much knowledge in his cerebrum. But as soon as he possibly could, he studied linguistics. Travelled with the twins to Rome, Saxony, hell even to the ‘bloody frog’s’ country. He knew this would come in handy; And so did Jess & Cedric.
“Oi Tongue-twister! You’ll miss your wagon! And then, we’ll be late to the Senate.” Called the irishman while Arthur was lost his own world.
“Ceddy has a point, kid.” Jess chides, making the male redden.
“That’s not my name!”
“Don’t care, hun.”
Arthur chuckles at their arguing as he takes a few steps towards the fast approaching wagon. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t think it’s me who will miss the wagon.”
That got their attention because they were fumbling one after the other to get to the vehicle.
* * *
“Well done, champ! I dare say your land will be thriving with enough time and determination!” Cedric had begun, ruffling the young Kirkland’s hair.
Jess agrees somberly,“Yeah, except for the fact that he’ll need to take to the sea soon. Building his own empire would definitely make sure he’d stick around for the long term…”
“What? Take to the seas? I’m not so sure about that…” he replies questioningly.
“Yes taking to the seas ensures that you can assemble a navy correctly, form quick battle strategies, and last but not least, keep your sea legs in check.”
“I g-guess,” Arthur starts, “I could try? Sure, what have I to lose?”
“Your life, your crew, your country, your family, your friend, and your ships.” Cedric concludes sassily.
“Gee thanks, Ceddy! That honestly got me in the mood for sailing the seas!” Arthur responds sarcastically.
“Hun, that name is never going to go away, might as well get used to it.”
* * *
“Good morning Arthur.” She begins, “I hear you go on a voyage at sundown?”
Arthur starts to feel a bit uncomfortable, she’s never been so… serious. “Yes ma’am, I’m travelling to Greece by ship. Is there anything I can help you with?” Arthur peers at her face more closely, her scarlet hair is tied down with a green scarf, matching her equally green eyes.
“Yes, many things, though you are only but a lad. Now, I’ll get right down to it. Are you able to see those of the fae, Arthur?” She asks testily, her eyes searching my soul, but I know not how to answer.
“W-what do you mean by “the fae”, if you mind me a-asking?”
“Faeries, trolls, giants, brownies, kapaa, & the like. You know Arthur, for such a knowledgeable lad, not very bright are you?”
“W-well, I’ve had few encounters with them… “
“Good.” She says, “Now here’s the true query, are you a magicks user?”
Arthurs swallows thickly, honestly thinking he could hide it forever, “Yes ma’am.”
“You cannot hide such things from me, for fate binds your magicks to you. And I, can tell a user like a wolf smells sheep. I will tell you now, you should not hide your true self, for it will force its way out at the most unfortunate of times.” She deadpans plainly.
By now Arthur was spooked, “But you hear what happens to those with magicks in their veins! Beheadings, Burnings, & Drownings! I don’t think I’d stand a chance…”
“Even so, you have potential, boy. I see a great potential in you , lad, and you will be a force to be reckoned with, once you come to terms with yourself.” She states, her eyes were now fading. But she puts her hands on his shoulders, chanting an incantation. “I. Gwenolyn of Wales, place the blessing of safety upon this young magicks user, Arthur Kirkland of England, in which he shall travel the seas. May the fae shine their eyes upon you, Arthur.”
“I accept this blessing, and shall travel. Thank you Gwen.” Arthur walks out of her room and straight into Alistor.
“Hello there, lad. You look pale, did Gwennie cast a curse on you or somethin'?”
“N-no, I was-a just getting ready for the trip.” Arthur stammers embarassed, though Allistor grins widely.
“Ah yes! Which reminds me, Jess has told me that I am to go with you. Teach you the ways of a sailor. You know, lad, I was once a sailor, a drunken one, but a sailor none-the-less!" exclaimed the older redhead, slapping his back heartily and sighing nostalgically.”Oh, those were the days, singing shanties and dancing drunkenly till the very last day.You’d enjoy it, lad.”
“I’m sure I would.”
* * *
He fumbled for the seventh time on the ship, as the wood under his legs croaked in protest. It seemed as if he’d never get used to the damn boat. Arthur was currently in a merchant’s ship headed for the “Silk Road”. Though it definitely seemed like he’d would never reach it in the accursed ship, for a tempest had struck as soon as they turned into the Mediterranean. And now, shouts accompanied the howling and shrieks of the wind, as water flowed into the deck and Allistor struggled to maintain control of the ship’s wheel.
“Arthur, bring up the rum, ‘cause we’re going t’ need it!”
“Yes sir!” He replied, scrambling and slipping down below deck. The boats rocking would him off balance, but he surged on to his destination: The Captain’s Quarter’s where the rum and brandy were stored.