Hiding it

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♡Helenas POV♡

I was up before everyone else so I decided to make breakfast. I waited as the breakfast casserole baked in the oven.

I sat on the counter waiting for the casserole to get done when I got a call from  Rikers mom.

I answered and she sounded very panicky she said," honey have you seen Riker lately cause he said he would call once he got to L.A."

I said no but what time did he leave and when did he leave. She quickly said," he came home from the concert early and started packing and then he left after he got Angelina.

Then he called an hour later saying he would call when he got to a reststop. And he left a 6pm Wednesday."

I said worried that was five days ago he should've been here by now.

She said," I know but can you try and get a hold of him please I wanna know if my baby's okay."

I said yes and then we hung up.

I was about to call Riker when something showed up on my phone screen.

I clicked it and it said a fatal crash leaves two in life threating conditions at hospital and one with minor injuries in Southern Nevada.

I pulled up the names of the two in the hospital and broken down in tears thinking it couldn't be true.

I quickly pulled out the casserole and sat it in the counter and turned off the oven.

Then i sat on the island and sob quietly into my knees with my back against the higher part.

I guess I sat there for longer than I expected cause I felt myself being lifted off the counter and carried some where.

Soon me and who ever had me sat down on the couch.

☆Emilios POV☆

I woke up to soft cries coming from the kitchen. I got up and walked to where the cries were coming from.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw Helena curled up in a ball crying.

I picked her up and walked towards the couch.

Once I sat down on the couch I wrapped my arms around her as she leaned in.

I lifted her head up so she would look at me and once she opened her eyes to look at me I asked what was wrong.

All she did was hand me her phone and lay her head on my shoulder and cry.

I quickly unlocked her phone to find a news report about a car crash in Southern Nevada.

As I read it her cries stopped so when I was done I looked over to see her asleep.

I laid her on the couch and once my hoodie was over her I went to the kitchen to eat.

I grabbed a bowel and are some casserole.

Once I was done eating I walked into the living room and sat back down on the couch with my feet laying on the other side of Helena.

When I sat down Helena woke up and got to were she was curled up with her head on my shoulder.

I put my arm around her and she curled up deeper into me.

Soon my eyes felt heavy with sleep and I closed them to let darkness consume me.

♡Tessas POV♡

I woke up to the light smell of casserole.

I got up and made my way to the stairs only to look over the rail and see the most adorable thing ever.

I quickly ran back to my room and woke up the girls then quietly ran downstairs and woke up the boys.

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