just my ramble

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Ok so this isn't really a chapter but I just wanted to ramble to someone? You don't have to read but yeah. ad the whole thing and just continue on to the next update so yeah. Today is April 25 , why is this date important you may ask? Well the 25 just so happens to be my birthday. Yeah so mark your calendars and wish me a happy birthday. So I'm in the band at school and I play the flute. On Monday the.flutes have their time to practice away from the band during enrichment. Understand? Ok well on Monday me and my bestfriend Shannon were at sectional (that's what its called) and we were fighting about something I don't really remember. But at the end we did the headbob with our hand on our hip and everything and said "mmmmhhhmmm" and we stop the mhm thing and the student teacher for band was like "All I saw was mmmmhhhhhmmmmm" and me and Shannon were cracking up. He did the head Bob and everything.

I was laughing so hard that tears were in my eyes and my side hurt really bad. So like five minutes after we stopped laughing my friend Viktoria said something really funny so her and Madison, Alyson, and Auriana started laughing on the other sidebof the room. The student teacher for band was like "Brianna and Shannon! You got them started on laughing!!!" Then we all started laughing and I was thinking to myself oh my God.

Then this morning I was waiting for the bus and my aunt comes outside dressed in a bunny suit! YES A FREAKING BUNNY SUIT!!!! And then she started laughing and hopping around the driveway flagging down cars. Then I see my bus coming and she hops accross the freaking road! When I step on the bus I look at everybody and they're all on the left side of the bus watching my aunt hop back in the freaking house! I was thinking to myself then 'my life is like a freaking sitcom!'

And at school, just because it was my birthday all my teachers called me for the answers to EVERYTHING and I was chosen to help with all the work that needed to be done in class. Then in band there were like 20 freaking people singing 'happy birthday' to me. Then this girl Shadira comes to me and gives.me freaking 14 birthday punches when I only needed 12! And she punches like a man so my arms bruised. As I was walking through the halls the one person I wanted to see, I never did. It would have been the perfect birthday!

Anyways if you were kind enough to read this.whole thing comment this word: tWiLiGhT just like that no other way so I know you read this :P

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2012 ⏰

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