When Dreams Meet Reality

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Sometimes dreams do come true. But sometimes you aren't ready for the reality that comes with them.


I watch as medicine containers roll all over my wooden bedroom floor. They couldn't make it easy on me by all going in the same direction. No, each of them had to find the farthest corners of my room; rolling under my desk and bed just to make it more fun to find. Knowing I'd have to get up to get them, I carefully push myself out of bed; cautious not to bend too quickly for fear the pain in my legs would increase.


Forgetting how dizzy the meds make me I almost topple over trying to pick up the little orange containers. I decide to leave some of the bottles on the floor because there is no way my stiff legs are going to bend enough to get me underneath my own bed. Finally collecting most of them I crawl back into my bed putting my headphones back on to listen to someone I know can make everything better.

'If I could take away the pain, and put a smile on your face...'

I smile as I hear Justin singing the song I like to imagine he wrote just for me. I fall into yet another dream about him, made a little hazier by the medication.
The dream is recurring as usual and happens to be one of my favorites. I honestly don't know why since it scares the bejesus out of me each time with a certain someone's presence.

I see myself walking tentatively through a dark grey door. Looking around, I find myself in an empty room furnished simply with a dark leather couch and a few matching armchairs. I search for the things I already know will be there. Near the door is the table filled with treats and junk food. Sour Patch Kids, Swedish Fish, Oreos and popcorn. As well as, a few boxes of pizza, some donuts and water. Over in the far corner are someone's bags and a sweater, I absentmindedly wonder who's they may be. But what attracts my attention is the stereo system on the wall.

I walk over and see someone's iPod unlocked and plugged in ready to play music. Assuming no one would mind if I browsed through the songs and played a few, I scroll through the playlists until I find an untitled folder. I open it seeing one of my favorite songs and hit play. I jump as it blares at an ungodly volume through the speakers and fumble with the iPod trying to turn it down about 50 thousand notches. Once I get it to a level that won't make my ears bleed I laugh at myself quietly and close my eyes to listen to the music. Swaying along to Justin Bieber's 'Love Me Like You Do' I think how unbelievable my day has been. Considering I was about to meet Justin himself! I smile wide just thinking about it. My eyes fly open as I hear a second voice identical to the one floating from the speakers join into the song.

That's when I wake up.

I slowly pry my lids open to find myself in bed; itchy and overheated. Rolling over to get more comfortable I only move about an inch as I see that I'm tangled in wires. I push them carefully off of me making sure to be as gentle as possible since my Dre Beats are hopelessly falling apart already. I'm able to roll over just a bit when I realize what woke me from the dream where it always ends up stopping. The pain shoots sharply through my hip making my head fall back against my pillow with a muffled thud. Groaning, I look at my phone realizing it's been only an hour and a half since my last dose of medicine. I hate having to take all these medications, especially the pills prescribed for pain, but my body is relying on them all tonight. I huff pulling the covers over my head and try to fall back to sleep.

"Nini? Nini!!" Calls my grandmother from beside my bed.

I try and ignore her shutting my eyes tighter trying to block out the morning light.

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