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"Well aren't you guys gonna say something?" I ask confusedly. "Was it good? Did I kill the vibe? Should I stop talking?"
I decide immediately to stop my mouth from flapping away trying to control my words.

"Huh," Mike breathes effectively snapping everyone from their entranced state. "When did you think all this up?" He asks perching himself on the control board with interest.

"The first time I heard the song. It didn't develop fully until I listened well a few more times. It's still in the works of course because I don't really know what the limits are to making a video..."

"You'd be amazed what can be created when it comes to music," Mike replies with a smile.

At that he excuses himself to make a call to some friends that could help with the video. I wasn't surprised that he wanted to start so soon, it seemed like he wanted to get started while the ideas were still flowing.

Looking to my left I see what I'm sure is anoher reason they decided to get moving, Justin is smiling excitedly listening to 'Backpack' and linking my vision to the words. Feeling my gaze he looks over to me offering a wink and a smile. Feeling my breathing falter I shake my head and get up to distance myself from the "heartthrob's" charm.
I walk towards the one who's unexpectedly become my ally in this day full of extraordinary events.

Finally being weirded out by how he's been looking at me all day I ask what's going on in that Puerto Rican head of his.

"Alfred... What's up with you? You've been giving me the Morgan Freeman look all day."

Chuckling at my remark obviously amused, "Alfred? I don't know if anyone's called me that before," he replies.

"Good. Now spill. You're creeping me out with that look." I push him for an answer, gesturing in his general vicinity to emphasize the creeper vibe he's giving me.

"What look?" he asks innocently.

Rolling my eyes with a finger to my lip, I play along. "Oh I don't know. The look I've been getting for the past half hour making me feel like you can see my future rolled out before you. And it seems like it's traveled over to Scooter, as well."
Finally giving up they begin laughing in unison.

Looking to Fredo, Scooter says, "You're right I do like her. She's special."

Feeling totally confused and freaked out at this point I throw my arms in the air. "Hello! I'm right here guys! Are you plotting to kidnap me and sell me to a museum of 'amazing people' or something? What are you talking about!"
I feel uncomfortable when people try to say I'm different. Good or bad, it's weird; I'm just trying to fit in.

"I'm sorry. We didn't mean to freak you out. We were just talking about Justin's Beliebers and his bond with all of you. It's amazing really," Scooter explains vaguely with an outstretched hand.

I agree and it warms my heart to think about our connection with Justin, but I sense there's something left unsaid. Furrowing my brows in confusion I decide to drop it and take the hand he offers.

Smiling he says, "It's nice to finally meet you, Nivia. I hope you've enjoyed yourself so far."

"I'm so excited to meet you Scooter. And yes I have enjoyed myself. Oh and before I forget, I have a gift for you," I say releasing his hand to go and find his present.

Returning with it in my hands I offer it to him. "For you and Yael," I say referring to his long-term girlfriend.
Taking it in his hands he gives me a genuine smile, promising to open it at home with her.

Grinning wide at the thought of the couple opening up my gift together I hear wedding bells ringing in my ears. Those two have been together forever and I'm just about sure they're headed for marriage soon.

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