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I open my eyes to a dimly lit room. I don't know where I am or what I'm doing but one thing I do know is that I'm mad.

Really mad. 

I walk around and realize I'm in a kitchen. I admire the grand space. It's not huge but it's very nice. Granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and black and white floors... It feels... Familiar. My attention is ripped away from the floors when I hear loud footsteps. I look in the direction of the sound and that's when I see him. Justin Drew Bieber. I finally figure out that it's Justin's kitchen I'm in. Knowing I haven't miraculously become his newfound BFF overnight I realize I'm probably dreaming as well. I should've known by the single pair of shoes hanging over the counter, I'd always wondered who would ever put shoes there and remember that only my Justin would. But as I look at him I see a totally different person. 

His face, his eyes are different they're distorted with anger. I take a step forward in concern to see what I can do when he starts yelling. 

"You think you can just come here in my house to tell me about my life?"

Surprisingly I yell back. 

"No Justin! God, do you hear yourself? I'm only trying to help you! That's all I've ever tried to do is help you. But it's like you don't want my help!"

"I don't." He says more quietly, though, it hits me even harder than when he was yelling. 

"Well then why'd you ask me to..."

I close my eyes, confused, as I hear Justin's voice sing 'Love Me Like You Do'. I look at him because I know he's not singing to me in the middle of our blowout, but when I open my eyes it's daytime and I'm not in Justin's kitchen. I rub my eyes surprised and see that I'm in a hotel room. A very nice one, I think, as I remember where I am. It's the morning I'm meeting Justin and I'm in LA at one of the nicest hotels I've ever been to. I look next to me and see my mom asleep beside me. I  turn my alarm off, shaking my head hoping to get rid of the feeling the odd dream left behind. Waking up from the sudden movement my mom awakes with a smile. 

"Good morning sunshine," I greet with a laugh. 

She rolls her eyes as she says her good mornings and gets out of bed to prepare. 

My dad is taking us out to brunch before I go for my big day. I hop out of bed and make my way to the door adjoining our two small rooms and open it to see my dad still snoring in bed. I wonder how every bed he sleeps in makes his 6 foot frame look so large. Big round brown head hitting the head board, round belly easily seen beneath the thin sheets, and long legs nearly coming off the edge of the bed. I jump onto his bed landing on his stomach. 

"Wakey wakey!" I say laughing as he groans under my weight. He pushes me off as he sits up in bed. I sit on the floor watching him. Looking down at me he says,

"You're excited about this dumb kid aren't you!" It's more of a statement than a question but I answer anyways. 

I nod my head and stick out my tongue in response. Shaking his head he begins getting ready, as well. 


I step out of the car and gather my bags distractedly. As soon as I'm out of the car I send off my last tweet... For now. I barely look up from my phone before we start towards the building. 

"Nini! Get off that damn phone before you crash into something." Scolds my dad grumpily, knowing full well I'm over my limit on data usage. 

"Huh?" I reply with half my attention. I'm too focused on tweeting in all caps. 

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