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“You're gonna be fine.” Geoff said softly as he held Awsten's hand. “I’ll be here, and you call me if you need me, okay?”

Awsten nodded, “I promise.”

The younger kissed Geoff’s lips and gave him a nervous smile, before getting out of the car.

He walked to the front door, shaking a little. He had decided to go and see his father, and he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea yet. He had put on his least pastel sweater, a grey one with a rose patch on where a pocket might sit, and some black jeans. He couldn't hide his pastel blue hair though. That shouldn’t be a problem.

He knocked on the door, his hands tightening around his phone. He wanted the door to stay closed, but, it opened.

Awsten's father stood with a glass of white wine and he smiled. “Awsten! It’s good to see you, come in, do you want a glass?” He asked as he let the boy inside.

“no thanks... I don’t drink.” Awsten replied politely, giving his father a small smile.

“suit yourself.” He replied, leading his son to sit down in the living room.

Awsten sat down on one couch, his father on the other, keeping his distance. He was still nervous about his father. He didn’t have the best relationship with him after the divorce.

“Your hair is blue now. How have you been?” Mr. Knight asked.

“Uh- yeah- I need to re-dye it soon...” he replied, “I’m okay. I’ve been good..”

“good. Do you work?” he asked, sipping his wine.

Awsten bit his lip and nodded, lying. “Yeah...I work lates at H.E.B...”

It wasn’t a lie really, because he used to work there. He quit due to his shit sleeping schedule.

“really? That’s it?” He sounded disappointed. Awsten nodded. He thanked god that he didn’t tell the truth.

“well, you're only young.” He shrugged, “Got a girlfriend?”

Awsten shook his head, “No...”

“What? You still think you like boys?” his father asked bitterly. Awsten flinched a little. When he was thirteen he accidentally let slip that he liked boys, and his father didn’t approve. Awsten had a black eye and a bloody nose because of it.
Awsten nodded. He was trying not to be afraid. “I like boys.” He replied quietly.

“Do you have a boyfriend, then?” He asked sternly.

“no.” Awsten lied. He didn’t want Geoff to get involved with this.

“then how do you know you like boys?”

“because I’m gay.”

Suddenly, a wine glass flew at Awsten. He ducked and it smashed on the wall, shattering into a million tiny pieces. He stood up and ran into the hallway, phoning Geoff.
He couldn’t speak, his father was here now, but He knew Geoff was listening.

“No son of mine will be a faggot!” He bellowed, making Awsten flinch. His father grabbed the collar of his sweater and he slammed the frail boy against the wall, making him gasp. He kicked his slim legs and gripped his phone, making sure the call stayed on. He could vaguely hear Geoff asking him what was happening, but he was soon distracted by a fist against his cheek. He kicked his legs, kicking his father’s stomach. The man dropped Awsten and Awsten scrambled to leave, cupping his sore cheek. He couldn’t breathe, and he needed to be outside.

He got himself out, holding his phone to his ear. “Geoff- G-Geoff- Oh my god, fuck fuck- G-Geoff-“ he sobbed.

Geoff replied, “Awsten, I’m still here, get in the car.”

Awsten ran to his car and got in, sobbing hard. He couldn't breathe.

Geoff saw this and recognised it immediately as a panic attack. He gently took Awsten's cold hand and held it, “Calm, calm. It’s okay. I’m here. I’m keeping you safe.” He whispered.

Awsten began to even out his breathing and calm down eventually, gripping Geoff like his life depended on it. He began to tell the elder what had happened, starting to sob again.

Geoff listened, hiding his burning rage from Awsten. He didn’t want to scare him. He nodded and gently kissed his hair. “Baby, I’m just glad you’re okay. He hit you though, didn’t he?”

Awsten nodded, cupping his bruising cheek.

“Awsten....” the elder sighed. “You just recovered from a bruise there...”

Awsten nodded sadly.

“I’m going to take you home before I walk up there and rip his balls off.” He grumbled, kissing Awsten's hair. He started the car and sped off, his anger showing now. He was seething with it.

Awsten curled up in the seat, clinging onto his own sleeves for dear life. He sat silently as Geoff drove them home, his body shaking a little in shock.

Geoff carried the smaller boy inside and upstairs to his apartment. The younger was curled around his body, clinging like a koala. Geoff  took him inside and placed him down on the couch, immediately wrapping him in a blanket. He kissed his hair and disappeared to the kitchen.

Awsten curled up and held the blanket around himself, breathing in his boyfriend's scent- soft musk and his coconut conditioner. He smiled a little and relaxed slightly back into the cushions. He buried his face against the soft fabric, sighing. He felt Geoff’s hand brush through his hair, and he looked up. The elder gently pressed a cold cloth to his swollen cheek, sitting down with him. The younger boy curled up against him, holding the cloth on his skin. Geoff shifted to lay down, holding Awsten to his chest. The brunet turned the TV on, letting a re-run of Say yes to the dress play quietly.  Awsten watched the TV, his head on Geoff’s chest, his eyes drooping closed. He listened to the people on the TV argue about the dress style and colour and whatever. The feeling of Geoff’s fingers on his back and in his hair was relaxing him, making him melt down against the elder. The sound of Geoff’s breathing and his soft, thudding heart beat was lulling him off to sleep, a gentle lullaby of the best kind. Awsten's slim fingers tangled in Geoff's shirt and he sighed softly, smiling a little. He drifted off into a light sleep, peacefully holding onto his boyfriend.
Geoff felt the younger boy fall asleep and he smiled, holding him closer. He knew Awsten would wake up in a panicked state soon enough, but it was nice to see him look so peaceful even if it was for a short time. He kissed the boy's hair and stroked his back, deciding he best stay awake in case Awsten needed him.

Sure enough, around an hour later, Awsten jumped awake. It wasn’t violent, but it still made Geoff flinch. He instantly curled his arms around the boy and kissed his hair, “It's okay.”

Awsten nuzzled down against Geoff again, holding onto him. Geoff sat them both up, his hand softly cupping Awsten's cheek, taking the now warm cloth away. He sighed when he noticed the large bruise spreading over his cheek. The skin was blue and purple, swollen and sore. Awsten looked so beat up, what with his healing black eye and now this. The yellowness from the previous bruise had bled into the darkness of this one, making it look like one large bruise. Geoff wanted to cry- seeing his poor baby like this made him so upset and angry. He didn’t deserve anything he had gone through.

“God, Awsten.” He murmured, “Your cheek looks so sore.”

Awsten sighed and nodded, “hurts a lot.”

The elder gently kissed the soft swollen skin, wishing the bruise away.

Awsten curled around Geoff closer, kissing his cheek and then his lips. He let his lips linger for a while, enjoying the soft press and warmth from Geoff’s gentle lips. He pulled away, pressing his face against Geoff's neck.

“I love you.” He whispered. Awsten blushed and smiled.

“I love you too.”
Geoff felt Awsten's lips on his skin and he smiled. He gently moved the younger boy again, kissing his lips. The pair both blushed, their lips locking perfectly as they shared the kiss. Awsten got butterflies whenever they kissed. Geoff was the love of his life, and while they were both still only young, he knew he wanted to be with Geoff for the rest of his life.

this was originally going to be two chapters but eh
Hope you liked it
- amber 🖤

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