Cole x Zane "Don't cry"

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Cole's P.O.V.

It's been a week since I became a ghost. I still can't believe it. "Why? What did I do to deserve this?" I asked myself. Everyone tried telling me that everything is going to be Ok, but how can anything be Ok?! I'm a ghost, Lloyd id under Morro's control and we don't know what to do! How can anything be Ok!? I didn't realize that I was crying at this point, until I saw tears on my pants. (A/N: Don't ask me, how he is crying or how he doesn't get hurt. Just go with it) I just set there, crying. Until, "Cole?" I looked up to see Zane standing my door entrance. "O-Oh, hey Zane! W-What are you doing here?" I asked as I wiped away my tears. "Cole, why are you crying? Did something happened?" He asked with a hit of worry in his tone. "N-No, don't worry about it! I-It's nothing important..." I said hoping he would believe me. "Why are you crying then? As far as I know, people cry if they are in pain or if they are sad." He said. I looked away. "Cole, please, tell me what is bothering you." He said and he tried to take my hand, but went through his. "This what bothering me!" I said as I stood up and pointed to myself "How am I supposed to be an earth ninja if I can go through the wall?!" I asked him. "Cole, do not worry. Everything is going to be-" "Don't tell me that everything is going to be Ok! Because it's not true!" I cut him off, before he could say that. "Cole, I do not understand you, what do you mean by that?" He asked and stood up looking me in the eyes. "Zane, can't you see? I'm a ghost! There is nothing you or anyone on this ship can do about it!" I said as tears were running down my face. Zane looked at me shocked. Then, he walked over to me. "Cole, this is not true." He said. "You may not believe us, but we believe that you will be human again." Now, it was my turn to be shocked. "You are our leader, we all care about you." He placed his hand on my cheek, but it didn't go through. "I care about you." I blushed. Then he kissed me. I was in shock, but after few seconds I kissed back. After he pulled away, we looked at each other and we were blushing mess. "So please, do not think all these bad things, and think about something positive" He said with smile. "So, I should think about the kiss?" I asked, and he chuckled "If you want to." he said. I smiled and hugged him. "Thanks Zane. That really helped." I said with smile, and he hugged back. "No problem Cole, anything for you"

No way, story update! I can't believe it! Finally, I started it about 4 months ago, but I had no ideas at that time. And yesterday, I started it, but then I had to go to sleep. And finally, I got time to update! Anyway, I hope you like it! So, don't forget to add, vote and comment.

P.S.: Sorry if it's short.

Ok I'm out, bye!

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