The Thorned Overlord

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The pain, the silent screams, the anguish.

The roar of blood in his ears.

The orders of battle had become little more than a muted babble to his hearing. The agony that ran throughout his body too intense for him to function, to listen and even see. Everything was a blur of crimson and grey. His struggles against the crushing force surrounding him futile.

Sharp pricks of pain ate away at his back and sides, the pain growing worse along the lines of his stomach. He tried to lash out with his vines, tried to bring the monstrosity that held him to its knees, but it was all in vain.

Soon, another distant call echoed out, the Pinsir obeying whatever command had been given in a show of thrashing that made the pain of its victim all the more intense. He screeched, scrabbling at the air, at the creature's head. The pressure was too much. It hurt. Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt...

A tunnel of darkness threatened to swallow him whole. In the middle of his agony, it was a welcome. Anything to get away from this torture.

As he fell limp and his vision failed him entirely, the last thing he could recall was the feeling of being thrown into the air, then dashed against the wall.

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