Chapter Two

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Russell had a cousin that worked for the Backstreet Boys and decided as soon as he escaped to get in touch with him for a job. He changed his name to the nickname they gave him in prison, Sawyer.

"When they let you out, Russ? I thought you was locked up." Manny asked. Russell coughed and quickly came up with a lie.

"I got off on good behavior. Listen, I need a job. Can you help me out?"

"Sure. It's good to see you being responsible. I'm sure I can help."

"One thing though, they call me Sawyer now, new me, you dig it?"

"Anything for my favorite cousin." Manny said. Russell got hired without much of a background check, just was asked how much he could lift. He was told he'd be working on the road and staying on the crew bus. Russell was happy things were falling into place. He even liked the job.

He'd have his revenge soon enough.

Brian heard Nick crying from his bunk and part of him wanted to go comfort him....wrap him in a hug. He was halfway out of his bunk when he changed his mind, remembering the fight earlier that month. He and Nick were always fighting these days, ever since he started dating Leighanne. She was the one thing in his life that made sense and he wouldn't be opposed to this being the last tour so he could finally get married like he wanted. Deep down, he knew he was being an ass and kind of abandoned his best friend, but he felt Nick brought it on himself with the attitude he had. They all were. They were such a tight knit group but now it was like they were falling apart. It was bound to happen eventually.

"He'll learn one day." he muttered to himself as he rolled over to sleep, putting a pillow over his ears to muffle out Nick's crying.

"Has anyone seen Nick?"

The bus had stopped at the next venue and the road crew was beginning to unload the parts of the stage....but Nick was nowhere to be found.

"Probably off crying somewhere. Did anyone hear him last night? He kept me awake. He's such a pussy." AJ laughed, looking around and waiting for a response, but nobody gave one. Instead they were silent.

"That isn't funny, AJ. I wish I knew what was going on, he's been so distant. Maybe someone should talk to him." Howie said, shaking his head as AJ rolled his eyes. He opened his mouth but Kevin put up his hand.

"AJ, save it. We have sound check at three so someone better find him! I swear I am going to have grey hair before the tour is over." he stated.

"You're already halfway there old man..." AJ snorted. Kevin just growled and walked away in frustration, he hated that he could hardly talk to AJ seemed like they were always butting heads. Well, to be fair everyone was. Kevin finally found Nick outside the perimeter of the crew area, smoking a cigarette and looking guilty.

Well, he hoped it was a cigarette.


At the sound of his name, Nick cursed and tossed it to the ground, stomping to put it out. He needed the cigarette and it was his last one, one of the few things that calmed him down lately. A lot of things were going through his head and Kevin had interrupted them. Nick even thought for a moment about telling him what had happened...but he thought better of it.

None of them cared. They were all more worried about AJ and Nick felt like his BSB family was falling apart in front of his eyes.

"I already saw it, you know." Kevin smirked knowingly. Nick shrugged and looked at the ground feeling embarrassed as Kevin laid into him about the dangers of smoking. Nick half listened, but his mind was somewhere else, and all the lecture did was piss him off. He wished he had more weed, maybe he could get some from AJ. It seemed to make everything more tolerable. He chuckled to himself, wondering what Kevin would be like if he smoked pot.

"Nick are you even listening?" he asked. Nick was already heated so instead of walking away, his mouth had other plans.

"Seriously Kevin-I know all of that crap already, you say this shit to me every day and you sound like a fucking broken record. I don't give a crap what it does, nobody would care if anything happened to me anyway." Nick shot at him, brushing past the stage hands setting up the equipment.

"Hey, now that isn't true and you know it." Kevin called after him, grabbing his arm. Nick pulled it away before storming off.


Brian looked on, not surprised in the least. Nick was probably headed to the bus to avoid them all again.

"A lot of help you are. You could have tried talking to him too, you know." Kevin snapped.

"Talk? Kev, in case you haven't noticed...he won't even look at me anymore. So you explain what talking will do. He is in one of those The World VS Nick moods. He'll be fine before the show, he always bounces back." Brian said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Where did you want this set up?"

Kevin looked up, seeing the stage hand standing there.

"Hi, I don't believe I have seen you before. Are you new?"

The stage hand was a little taller than Brian but built. Kevin eyed him over and he squirmed a little.

"I'm Sawyer. Manny's cousin." Russell said with a smile. This guy sure made him nervous, he wasn't sure why but something about his eyes. It was like they were seeing right through him. Kevin introduced him to the others.

"Welcome to the family, dude." AJ said, shaking his hand. They pretty much welcomed him with open arms.

Russell smiled to himself, it had been too easy getting this job....he thanked his cousin Manny for helping. He didn't need to know that he had even been in prison, but it had worked like a charm. All was falling into place, he would avenge Chloe soon enough. He just needed time to think of a plan.

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