Who the hell are you?

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When (y/n) woke up in a dark room, in a strange place, with a strange man, she understandibly started to freak the hell out. Then she looked down. They were naked. They were naked. Oh.

'Oh fuck.' 

She was so fucked. Where was she? Who is the guy that is currently drooling on her boobs? She looked down again. Well he is kina hot. Wait what?

'Should I wake him up?' she thought. This was so fucked. And what would her parents think? She presumably lost her virginity to some stranger. She was only 17! What the sweet taint chafing fuck was her dad gonna do? She was going to be grounded for life. She began to tap her fingers gently on his head. The blond man groaned and nuzzled her neck and became still again.

Huffing in annoyance, (y/n) tried again she began to tap a little harder and he held her tighter until finally he cracked a golden eye open. He lazily gazed at her with a look that made her thighs clench. Whoever this guy was, he was walking sex. Smirking at her, he proceeded to run his tongue down her neck. This woke her from her thoughts on his physique.

"W-wait! Who the fuck are you?!" (y/n) half moaned, half screetched. Bill looked at her and gave that mischevious smile he was always vocalizing.

"I'm your boyfriend" he snickered, leaning up from her brests.

"Um, no the fuck you're not!" She denied, she didn't know who this creep was but he was NOT boyfriend.

"Good, you have a brain! I thought I fucked it out last night!" Bill gaffawed at his own joke. Your unamused expression making his joke all the funnier.

"Listen Guy-whose-name-I-don't-know, I don't know who you are or what your damage is but I am not your girlfriend, and I doubt I ever will be so whatever the fuck you have planned, I'm gonna have to take a raincheck." She said saltily as she climbed out of bed looking aimlessly for her clothes. Bill sighed, he snapped his fingers and a black bodycon dress with yellow triangle cutouts appeared on her along with some gold heels, bracelets, earrings, and a gold necklace with a triangle pendant. Her hair assembled itself into an elegant braid, like Elsa from Frozen but with new gold highlights in it (unless your hair is black), and her makeup was done well, a gold smokey eye with cat-eye liner and her lipstick was black.

Looking in the mirror across from the bed, (y/n) couldn't even recognize herself. She looked hot. And being the girl who only talked to the Pines twins and occasionally Wendy, and wore baggy tomboyish clothes, she didn't know what to do or say about her new makeover.

"Um, thanks whoever you are?" she meant it to be a statement but it came out as a question.
Looking back to the bed, he wasn't there. She looked back in front of her and there he was in a nice looking suit. Yellow tailcoat, crisp white oxford, gold cufflinks, black waistcoat and slacks and nice looking dress shoes made his already striking appearence more enticing. All men look better in suits. She was gaping at him. He could be Apollo in human form.

"See anything you like?" He smirked. He was too cocky for his own damn good. He looked at his mate, seemingly uncaring for her however he is just not used to having anything he cares to lose.

"Yes..." She mumbled under her breath. He was too attractive today no to. And for some reason, she was indescribably drawn to him. His sultry stare was trained on her and it was getting to her.

"That's good to know," his seductive voice purred out, soothing her, comforting her, assuring her that he meant her no harm, "now before this escalates further I think I owe you dinner."

Bill offers her his arm. Hesitantly, she takes it. The second you do, a kind of warmth flows into you and travels to your stomach. Your posture relaxes and Bill purrs approvingly, though it is a sound too low for a human to hear.

(Y/n) finds herself staring at him. He was beautiful. But he was a stranger. So could she really trust him? No, not until she knew more about him. He seemed so inhuman in his manner, but it was oddly charming. Was she insane to want to go to dinner with him? She didn't even know his name.

Bill gleaned through her thoughts with care. She was right to question him. He was a stranger, a dangerous one at that. The former self proclaimed King of the Nightmare Realm, walking with a human, laughable at best. However, he knew that she was going to die soon, and be reborn as his perfect demon queen. When that happens, she shall know him for what he is. Until then he was to act semi-normal. He could picture it now.

"My name is Bill if you were wondering." He spoke up. Originally he was going to lie, but lying about his name of all things with them having an eternity together makes less sense than he usually does.

"(Y/n)." She replied absentmindedly. She shook herself from her thoughts and decided to ask him some questions.

"What kind of music do you like?" She asked timidly. He looked down at her and chuckled, holding her close.

"Swing, you?"

"(Favorite type of music)"

His turn to ask, "What's your favorite color?"



"What's your favorite food?"

Bill actually didn't know what to say for this. He'd tried human food only twice while using a vessel. But he enjoyed chocolate.

"Chocolate, I guess."


"How old are you?"

"18. You?"

Uh oh, Bill knew he needed to lie for now.


"Whoa! You're a cradle robber! This is stagetory rape!"

Bill raises an eyebrow. He was largely unfamiliar with human law.

"I'm just messing with you! I'm a legal adult." She laughed punching his side. "Take a joke!"

"Honey, I've got jokes." Bill finessed.

"Care to share?"

"What's mine is yours darlin'."

And the two flirted all the way to the diner.

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