Dancing in the Dark?

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The newly acquainted couple had walked into a restaurant that wasn't far from where Bill had taken her. Turns out that bedroom was in a pretty fancy hotel. Like Northwest worthy fancy. How he afforded that she had no clue but she chose not to ask for now. Right now she had to figure out which fork was which.

She wanted to die. Here she was made up like a supermodel, in a restaurant that charged more than college tuition, sitting with a stranger, debating which fork to eat her salad with. Bill had made himself nice and cozy the bottle of Merlot he had ordered. She wondered how much he was going to drink, due to the bottle being over half drunk already.

"Second to the right, little lady." He said lazily, chuckling halfway through the sentence.

"What?" She said dazed in her quandary.

"The salad fork." He smiled at her harshly. It was strange, his visible eye seemed to flash a brighter shade of gold before going back to normal.

"Okay..." She mumbled, trying to relax. His gaze was something to be feared, she realized. And she wasn't taking that epiphany lightly.

Gingerly picking up the fork she stabbed it into a cherry tomato and put it in her mouth. The little red fruit burst on her tongue. It tasted too good. Something was up. She knew it. There was no way that food should taste like atomic flavor bombs had a party.

No, she wasn't going crazy just because of a tomato. It has been the whole atmosphere. No one and nothing was out of place. It was a pristine. Too perfect, almost...robotic in motion. No one spilled anything. No one dropped anything. When the waiters moved they did so with inhuman grace. This was getting weird.

Then she saw it. A waiter dropped a wine glass, and as soon as she was comforted by this, all the blood drained from her face as the waiter, not only caught the glass, but caught the wine that had risked turning the white carpet bright red.

Across the table, Bill sighed. She wasn't stupid, as most mortals were, no she caught the waiter. He had told, no, ordered  them to make sure that she wouldn't suspect that she wasn't in her dimention. Proud of her as he was for seeing the little blunder, Bill was furious. And now he has to do what he likes least, explain himself.

"I assume I owe you an explanation?" Bill said suavely. He feigned composure well. It was a talent that had taken almost his entire existence to master.

"Yeah, I'd go with something along those lines." (y/n) mumbled still open mouthed, gaping staring at the waiter that had done the physically impossible. Truly she had no idea what she was doing to her date to the night. His mate, staring at another demon, a male demon no less, was not something that Bill's (even more) savage instincts would tolerate. The waiter that had fucked things up, is to be executed. And damn him if he wasn't going to have his fun while inflicting the punishment that he deemed necessary.

"So you hang out with Pine Tree, right?" Bill asked carefully. This was going to be much easier if he made sure that she was comfortable talking about this. He wasn't exactly an easy concept to understand, even for Sixxer, so he would make sure that she was ok while he explained who he was, what he was, and (if she was smart) how he was. Blowing minds might be fun but he didn't need her start freaking out and running through the Nightmare Realm, where a lot of demons would recognize the intruder and tear her to literal shreds.

"You mean Dipper? Yeah I hang out with him, Mable, and Wendy. Why?" She does not seem to be getting very freaked out. This was good.

"Have you heard of the journals?" Please say yes, it will make this so much easier.

"Yeah, actually I have the second one, after the Weirdmagddon thing, Gideon went to jail so Dipper said that I could have it. " Bill raised his eyebrows. Was he getting lucky finally? That was the one that Sixxer wrote before he realized that Bill Cipher was an evil demon from "hell". Meaning there were no ominous warnings, bad mouthing, or counter summons. This was now at least several thousand times easier.

"Have you read about the muse named Bill Cipher?" Crossing his fingers.

"Yeah. I always thought he was interesting but why are you asking me about this. It has nothing to do with that guy not being human." If only you knew you naïve little girl.

"It really does, doll. See about that guy Bill...you're looking at him." He smirked.

"Nuh-uh! He is a triangle with a world domination complex! You aren't a triangle and you aren't THAT much of an asshole."

"You would be surprised."

"Alright if you really are Bill then prove it. Do something that Bill Cipher would do." She narrowed her eyes and scrunched her brows. She looked so cute when she thought she was being intimidating.

"Fine. How about a head that's always screaming for my girlfriend? Better yet blood roses dyed with actual blood!" he snapped his fingers and a bloody bouquet appeared in her hands and a screaming head appeared on the table. Immediately she jumped from her chair and dropped the flowers. This was insane. He was laughing at her now, clearly amused by her fear. She could see the fangs in his mouth and his eyes glowing brightly, the slip pupil narrowed.

She wasn't going to satisfy him. She composed herself, sat back down and stared at him emotionlessly until he finally stopped laughing, stunned at her blank expression. This was new. No one had ever had enough sand* to stand up to him before.  Let alone stare at him in that way. The way he hated. She looked at him without emotion but behind her eyes he could tell she was not only planning, but she was looking at him with a level of condescension that he had only seen when looking in the mirror.

It disturbed him. Him! The demon that all in their right mind feared. What the hell was wrong with him? What the hell was wrong with her!? It was getting confusing. First he gets beaten by children, then he gets permanently stuck in human form, and now this. Not only was this greatly disturbing to him, but he was disturbed by him being disturbed.

"What? Did you think I was like everyone else?" She asked calmly with a smirk. No, this was wrong. All wrong. "Silly Dorito, I am not everyone else. You still don't know a damn thing about me, Billy Boy."


Bill clutched is nails into his hair and began to pull in a vain attempt to cause himself enough pain in order to focus. He could feel the blood coming under his nails and his vision blurring, but nothing was working. His breathing became erratic. Was this a human panic attack? But why? A human had little to no power over him without the proper spells, she didn't have them. What was- no. He forgot something. The mark. She did have power over him. She could command him. And knowing that she has to have gone through some trauma, what person who lives in Gravity Falls hasn't, she could be mentally unstable, maybe even as unstable as him.

This was going to become a problem. She had to die. She needed to die. Then the commands could stop. The pain would stop. It would stop. He lunged at her across the table. His hands surrounded by bright flames. His hands wrapped around her neck.

Bill began laughing psychotically as he choked the poor girl to death. (y/n) did not care that there was a demon killing her. She smiled. Simply being in this dimension would make a being insane. She assumed that was what happened to Bill just now. It's what happened to her.

Death felt orgasmic to her now. A sweet release. Painless and pleasurable. It was like all the burdens of her soul were being released. Her past. Gone. Her present. Slipping. Her future. Futile.

Bill relished this. He despised weakness, especially his own. So snuffing her out was satisfying as well as troubling to some part of him. He squeezed harder, snarling all the while. He took pleasure in this, as any sadist would. His toy was his to use. Not the other way around.

As the last breaths were taken from her form from his cold lips, his fangs scraping against her tongue as cold drops of fiery venom dripped down her throat. Blood came from the corners of her mouth. His tongue liked cold swaths down her pale, dead cheeks. Free at last, the pure evil in him howled in joy.

What little humanity he had been cursed with by the Axolotl, was in agony. Thoughts of anguish over killing her began to plague that corner of his mind that belonged to her. Stupid magic making him feel.

A stabbing pain caught him through the chest. Guilt.

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