It's all in your head

481 13 13

Bill Cipher 

Dead. She was dead and I killed her. I do this all the time so why do I feel so guilty? I am a fucking demon for Azazel's stake! Stupid bond, stupid rules! Rules were made to be broken. I hate her. She's too normal, too sane. She couldn't handle me, RIGHT? Then what was that little show back there? She looked at me with the look of a hardened demon. A high class worthy of all they had pillaged and stolen in all their years of active service. One worthy of an audience with me, King of the Nightmare Realm. In all my years, and there were almost a billion to consider, I had only seen such a look on one other being, that delivered the look with success. It was disturbing even for me. 

A challenge, that's what that was. Everyone was watching. In this dimension it's kill or be killed, weakness was unacceptable. And for the King to be challenged, it was devastating. If I don't respond with the most severity I would look weak. Then everyone would challenge me. That may sound familiar, werewolves operated on a similar principal, but it was like that only combined with some civility. It was like any regular monarchy in the human world. That's where the humans got it from anyway. Ahh, the good old days in ancient Egypt. I was a god there. Made fooling mortals so much easier! 

My reverie was cut short however. The collectors were coming to take my doll away from me and fuck me if I were to let that happen. I touched her body and it vanished, leaving her soul bare. It surprised me how much black there was. It was like a yin and yang symbol, mesmerizing. The collectors were here. As they reached for her I growled like I would to call attention during court. It was a dominance display. Something to get them all to recognize that their superior was speaking and expected not to be ignored or interrupted. Death himself froze. 

"I have to take her Bill, those are the rules." my old friend said solemnly. 

"You won't if you want to keep that arm Death." I smiled. You know the smile, the psycho killer happy smile. 

"But Bill-"

"BUT NOTHING! SHE IS MINE AND SHE STAYS MINE!" Whoa, maybe I need to calm down. Death looks ready to shit his pants. And I can tell that he is with his hood up. I'm the best! 

"Alright, seeing as I can't stop you. But the only-"

"I know that."

"Right. See you later Illuminati." Death actually smiled and left. His servants trailed behind him, timid from seeing their king have a bit of a fit. Yeah, I know when I act out and be a dick. Do I actually give a fuck? No, not at all. And that's the way I like it. 

Now, to deal with the soul. I kissed her before she died. Why, I both know and don't know. I know that we are bonded. I don't actually know why I showed affection and manners toward her. Being bonded means casual sex and some social interaction every century or so, not heartfelt kisses and chivalry. This is so confusing. Oh well. I was going to have to turn her into a demon anyway. I had to, binding things like this were above the grade of normal deals. If she died permanently, it was only a matter of time before I perished too. My magic would only delay the slow painful death that would await me. 

As you probably know, I am a sucker for pain. I could have my balls eaten off by sharks and laugh, but this made one like me feel pain like a weak ass human. Fuck that shit. Fuck it into Mephistopheles' anus. Speaking of which, remind me to pound him into hamburger meat for stealing my fucking grimoire. Moving on, from there I still have to turn her into a demon. I wonder what kind she will be? 

No. I cannot simply make her a dream demon like me. That would be no fun. You have to choose. If you are turned that is. I was created, I had no choice. No fair if you ask me. I would have loved to be a wrath demon. Those are the ones that inspire all the evil in your pathetic world. I inspire insanity which is also pretty good for that, I guess. 

Choosing is said to be the worst and most painful thing in all of existence. Personally, I think that goes to being permanently banished from using your natural form and being deleted from existence for about 6 years, but hey, that's just me! Another thing about choosing, your power level actually comes from how tainted your soul is. You can gain power as you exist but your starting level is what guarantees your survival past the first decade. Survival of the fittest as it were. 

Luckily for the soul in front of me, it's perfectly corrupted and therefore will have a pretty good level of power no matter what type of demon they choose. I hope she doesn't choose lust. I hate succubi. They are so whiny and bitchy and they have no imagination when it comes to the things that I love: blood, insanity, torture, and evil schemes. All they do is have sex all day and night. Granted, it's one of the only sensations that demons feel almost exactly like humans, who by the way have no words to describe the experience if done properly, but still. There is more to life then pleasure. There are worlds to take over, enemies to destroy, and pain to enjoy, Bottom line is that she better choose well or I am never fucking her again. That would be a shame too, she was a great fuck. 

Oh well, time to actually do what I said I was going to. I hope your puny mortal brains got that, because I am not explaining that again. So how are we going to do this? The long way or the bloody one? Bloody it is. Too bad I have to go back to my castle to get the ceremonial knife. I love cutting off my own head with it. It's fun and it utterly terrifies people! 

I have to call up my stupid fucking car because teleportation is not reliable here. When my limo gets here I have them step on it. Chucking a few gold coins at the driver, I bolt out of the car, through my original Fearamid, and into my throne room. I light my throne on fire and the flames go into the lock, which only recognizes my magic only, and then into my secret room. The door shuts behind me. 

Now to get her back.....

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